Current lab reflection

In our project I think the biggest core competency was communication. We used communication to split up the tasks and get everything done in the most efficient way possible. I would say that we used this core competency to its fullest as we used many ways of communication to finish our project, we used a group chat and FaceTime. After the the assignment I realized that this competency probably saved us because if we didn’t FaceTime or text we might not have finished on time.

Another core competency we used was creative thinking, we showed this by using a unique style of presenting which was a sway, something that was new for all members of our group. In the presentation we used creative and meaningful pictures to help make it easy to understand what is happening in our presentation, we also as I said before split up the tasks to get everything done as fast and efficient way possible.

Something I probably could have done better is manage my time better, I miss categorized everything and should ask for help as soon as possible next time, this is also a good learning experience for me and everyone in my group.

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