Soccer (extracurricular)

Almost every day after school I spend at least 2 hours playing or practicing soccer. I play soccer for CMFSC (Coquitliam Metro Ford Soccer Club) our practices and games are at Coquitlam Town Centre or École Dr. Charles Best Secondary School. I am so proud with how far I have come when it comes to soccer I started when I was 4 years old and I still play to this day. One characteristic that has really shown throughout my soccer career is competitiveness. Over the years of playing soccer I have learned the importance of aggression and competitiveness. These qualities can be applied to your day to day workplace or even at home. Soccer has taught me so many different and small skills, but one of the main skills that has really impacted my life is determination and dedication. Over the years I have spent time outside of school, when nobody is watching and practiced on my own. This is a good skill that I can apply to almost any aspect of my life. Being able to be devoted and loyal to one task can teach you so much even if its just completing homework, or trying to learn algebra being able to stay focused no matter what the circumstances. Another hugely important skill that I have learned from playing soccer for years is leadership. Leadership is such and important skill as it can change a workplace from a decent production rate/ work rate to a phenomenal work ethic. I learned a lot of leadership skills during my time playing soccer since I turned eleven I have always been very vocal on the field, and I’m always motivating our teammates. One of my greatest accomplishments with leadership and soccer was only a few weeks ago. About a month ago we played a good team in our league (North Vancouver Football Club) and by the first half they were up 4-1 now normally in soccer you cannot comeback from a score like this but at half time we calmed down thought long and hard about what we can improve on and they we went back out, we stayed positive throughout the game and ended up coming back and scoring six goals in one half and the final score was 7-5 full time. A leadership quote that really speaks to me is “Leadership is the capacity, to translate vision into reality” this really speaks to me and a leader can motivate others to stay positive and keep working. Although I’m not good enough to go pro in soccer I will take all the qualities and skills from soccer and apply them into my day to day life. Over the years soccer has brought so much joy and fun to me during the fun times and the hard times. I’m really glad I play soccer.

Image result for coquitlam town centre

One thought on “Soccer (extracurricular)

  1. Gavin H
    Mark: 4.5/5
    Your extracurricular post includes the required elements. The post is presentable though you could improve the overall appearance with more graphic or media features. Information includes details and examples that provide information about your involvement in your extracurricular activity. Subject knowledge is present and shows your interest in your activity.

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