Venn Diagram


My group has demonstrated conversation by running collectively to supply a Venn diagram that correctly depicts the differences and similarities within the colonies of Hong Kong and Canada. We have each communicated our ideas forward to every other and shared our thoughts to merge them into what we have proper now our final product. The Venn diagram turned into the birthchild of both of our wondering, and we couldn’t have done it without every other. We each researched independently and came together ultimately to mix our studies to make the diagram.

We have also demonstrated critical questioning by looking carefully around the web for credible web sites that house relevant and accurate information to apply for our project. We made a listing of websites to apply and cut up the workload to take notes from each site for use, and we also had to effectively take notes from these web sites, as not all of them have been

inside the identical layout or design. Some were blog posts, some had been information articles, and others were lengthy pages of raw data like Wikipedia.

One element we could’ve achieved better was the actual assembly of the diagram itself, we could’ve introduced more flair and contact to the final product to make it look higher, but ultimately, it still conveyed our studies and information flawlessly fine. We could’ve done this via stylizing the circles, adding color, including pictures inside the history or simply adding greater to the cultured in general.

French Revolution Radio Report

Core Competency Reflection: Communication

The core competency I chose was communication. I had chosen this competency because of how well I think I communicated in the group. I think the group worked well as we were all communicating and talking to each other when it came time to work on the script. The people in my group all worked as a team, everyone did the things to make this project work and everyone done there things in time. Lukas and Chris worked on the script, Faaris did most of the talking and I was in charge of editing the video and making it as crisp as possible. We all communicate our ideas and how we can make this video better. We decided on putting a commercial in the Radio report be what most radio reports have and that adding one would make the presentation a lot more surreal. Overall our group worked really well, there were some miss understandings but at the end of the day our team worked the best out of the rest.

As the editor of the group I had to ask people what they wanted and use my editing powers to match the quality they wanted and needed. When I was editing I faced a problem. The problem was that I couldn’t put a mov. file into the program I was using. To put the file into my program it had to be an mp3 file and because the file was a mov. file I had to instal an application to turn a file into another file. The process of this made me learn that some things things don’t work the way that your planning it to work. And in the famous words of Molière “The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.” For me turning the mov. file into an mp3 file is something that makes me very proud and makes me think about how far I have come to be able to do that simple yet demanding task. Another thing that was challenging was editing the voices so that they don’t overlap one another and plays smoothly. Overall I think that I have overcome my obstacles and develop into a better editor.

Something I could have worked on next time is putting even more effort into the editing and making the tone and pitch to make everyone’s voices be equally loud and equally toned. How I can fulfil this wish is by practicing editing more with video and audio clips of my choosing. Additionally, next time I should have made the presentation more surreal. What I mean by that is next time I should add gunshots people talking in french and also adding a french accent when I read. One thing that I think we needed to do for next time was make more group designs and giving out roles that are more even. Some people in our group were doing less than others and weren’t giving it their best. One of my mottos still to this day is the universe is not fair and it’s never going to be fair, but trying your hardest in hard times is something that is fair. Still to this day I live by this motto, it’s true and has lots of inner meaning. So to wrap this up I would say there is still lots to work on, but not everyone is perfect.