Current Lab


Connecting and engaging with others.

I connected and engaged with others by working as a team and giving everyone an equal roll in this project. I asked question when I was confused or didn’t understand. When one of my group members asked me a question, I answered in a kind way, even if it was a dumb question.
I was an active listener. I listened to the person speaking and gave honest feedback of what I thought.
I realized that there were different points of view and different opinions and I disagreed or agreed in a kind way. Overall, I connected with others and learned a lot from this lab

Collaborate to plan, carry out, and review constructions and activities.

I collaborated and reviewed activities. I can work with others to achieve a goal by stepping up and being a leader in my group and listening to other opinions. I can take on a leadership role in my group and take special responsibilities. I created the sway and the excel and shared it with my group. I have taken notes for missing members in my group. I can summarize key ideas and identify the ways we agree. I told my ideas to the group in a summarized way and reflected on weather my group agreed and changed my ideas based on their responses. In the end I have collaborated and reviewed ideas and activities very well in this lab.

Explain/recount and reflect on experiences and accomplishes.

I Explained and reflected on experiences and accomplishes. I give, receive and act on feedback. I did this by telling the group my ideas and acted on the feedback I received from them. I can recount simple experiences and activities and tell something that I learned. I have told my group members about experiences I have had that relate to the lab and tell them what I have learned. I represented my learning and told my group how it relates to my experiences and efforts. I showed that I understood the concept and knew what to do during this lab. Overall, I have communicated very well in this project and learned a lot.

Invention Project

Duel Holder:
Close your eyes. Imagine your at the Mc Donald’s drive through and you order your favourite meal with fries. You only like your fries with ketchup. But your driving and there’s no where to put your ketchup. So the employee asks you if you would like a regular fry holder or the Duel Holder. And of corse you say the Duel Holder because now you can eat your fries with ketchup on the go. Now our product is not only convenient and ingenious but we can guarantee your satisfaction.

People: Our product is not only convenient for everyone but we guarantee your complete satisfaction.
Planet: Our product is made out of paper so it is easy to recycle.
Profit: Our product is very cheep to make and could be very successful. We can pay our workers minimum
wage so we can make the most
We are hoping to sell this idea
to all the
big fast food restaurants like
Mc Donalds,
Burger King, A&W and KFC.

Creative Thinking

I used Novelty and value in my project. I can think of my own ideas and build off of others ideas also. For example my partner said that we should make something food related so then I thought of making a french fry holder that holds ketchup also. I can generate new ideas as I pursue my interest. I really like basketball so I thought of this idea for basketball shoes. It’s a basketball shoe that morphs into anyones exact size. Unfortunately I’m pretty sure that it’s not possible. I can develop a body of creative work over time in an area that I’m interested in or passionate about. I thought of this french fry holder and even though It’s not the most creative or useful product I am so passionate about this product and I really strongly think that this should be in every fast food restaurant. In conclusion I used Novelty and Value in many different aspects in this project.

I Generated ideas in many ways in this project. I made new ways to create things. For example when my partner and I were trying to create our project I provided different ideas and strategies to help create our invention. I have deliberate strategies for calming my mind if I’m really hyper or not in the mood to do work. Some of those strategies are running, listening to music, going for a walk outside and taking deep breaths. I have interests and passions that I pursue overtime. I am hoping that in the near future i would have perfected my invention and create a presentation to try and sell this idea so Mc Donalds. In conclusion I have Generated ideas in so many ways in this project.

I developed so many ideas in this project. I made my ideas work or changed what I’m doing. When I was building my invention I was originally taped it together and it didn’t look that great, so now I made it so there’s a hook for the holder. I build the skills I need to make my ideas work, and usually succeed, even if it takes a few tries. In this project i have changed my mind and changed things so many times to improve the project. I can make my ideas work with the materials I have. We forgot one of the Mc Donalds cups so we had to work without it. In conclusion I have developed so many creative ideas in this project.