Digital Literacy Assignment #4: Sway Multimedia Project

This assignment included an app in office 365 that many people may have used in the past, but may have not been familiar with. The app, Sway, was used to complete this assignment which was about an app you thought would be useful in school. I chose to do the app Fitbit, because I thought that during a pandemic it was important for everyone to keep healthy. I think that Sway isn’t used as much by people because of PowerPoint and how easy it is to learn to use and use the PowerPoint app and its applications.

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Digital Literacy Assignment #3: Scrapbook

In the scrapbook assignment, we had to provide three different artifacts/assignments that used different platforms of technology to help create/complete the project, but we also had to relate the assignments to the core competencies of learning. In this assignment I uploaded the assignments that I was doing now and mentioned what I had done in the past; which included excel spreadsheets, imovie, and more. This made me realize that the assignments that we were doing in school all somehow related to the core competencies of learning.

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Digital Literacy Assignment #2: Scavenger hunt

In this assignment, we were instructed to create a PowerPoint that uses different skills that relate to technology. This assignment made you use a diverse selection of apps to help you complete this assignment. In this scavenger hunt, I used apps and websites such as google to research recipes and more, an art application to help create the emojis, and TinEye reverse image search to find what the creature (Frillshark) in the photo was.

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Digital Literacy Assignment #1

In this assignment, we were instructed to complete a survey on forms centered around what we knew about digital literacy, what technology we had access to at home, and how comfortable we were using different platforms. (i.e Office 365, etc.) This survey was for the digital literacy teachers to get a sense of how much we already knew and what we should learn from them in this course.