2 thoughts on “Why I love Mountain Biking

  1. Mark 4/5
    Your extracurricular post includes required elements and relevant examples. All information is accurate and delivered effectively. The post is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness.

    Graphics and or media missing.

    Information includes details and examples that provide a clear information about your involvement in your extracurricular activity. Subject knowledge and your passion for your extracurricular activity are evident.
    Marked by Mr. Veeken on behalf of Mr. Castonguay

  2. Rylan,
    Your extracurricular post includes all required elements, extensive details and relevant examples. All information is accurate and delivered effectively. The post is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. Graphics and or media are attractive and support the theme/content of your post. Subject knowledge is thorough and your passion for your extracurricular activity shines through.
    Mark 5/5

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