What I Want to Learn in English 9

There are many things that I have always wanted to learn about English and personaly, English nine is the best change to do so. English has always been a hard class for me, so this year, I am to going to change those thoughts into somthing much more positive. To do so, I must start with the basics, makeing my printing mor tidy. To make my printing more neat, I feel I must get more experience with pen and paper for my writing assignments. Something that has interested me for a while has been the art of Shakesperean literature. Knowing the difference between thee, thy and though is always a good skill to learn no matter who the person is. Reading some famous Shakespearean plays would also be an interesting task to do in class. These plays I speak of would be Romeo and Juliet, along with the very well known, Macbeth. I have read Romeo and Juliet in the past, but would consider reading it again. The last thing that I would like to take away from English nine would would be improving my grammer and sentence starters. I feel that sentence starters make you stories and essays eel less repetitave while giving them a nice flow. It will also make it feel more pleasing to read. In conclusion, there are many things that I wish to learn in English nine bi my top three are, making my printing more neat, reading manyfamous stories and imporoving grammer while learning new sentence starters.