Invention Project (Industrial Revolution)

Abbie and Jamie’s invention project: Generation Gum


Throughout the process of this assignment, I and my partner Jamie used Communication and Creative thinking. For this assignment, we had to come up with an original invention that was based upon the industrial revolution. We had to make sure our invention hit the triple E bottom line. At the start of this assignment, I and Jamie brainstormed ideas about our invention that would hopefully be useful and able to make an impact on the world. We used our communication skills by listening to each other’s perspectives and ideas on the assignment and applying them to our invention. We were each able to do our share of the work. In the photo’s above you can see that there are two models to our invention. I did the rounder container and Jaime did the other. We were both able to communicate the vision we had for our invention and carry it out. Our invention is a modern modified version of gum packaging. Whenever you need to throw out your gum, there never seems to be a place to dispose of it. So I and Jamie had the idea to put a built-in garbage bin in the packaging. Gum is also mainly made out of plastic, so, therefore, takes a long time to dispose of. Our gum is also natural with ingredients that known. Our packaging is also biodegradable so that the product as a whole does not generate more harm to the environment. I and Jaime are both passionate about the health of our earth and I think we were able to communicate that to our final invention. We were able to build off of each other’s ideas and generate new ideas as we pursued further into the assignment. We were able to achieve a lot of success in the “Invention fair” that our class put on as a showcase for other peers. We got a lot of compliments on how our idea was smart, and that hopefully, some form of our product will become the normal product in the future. As a whole, I and Jamie were able to curate an inventive idea that I hope we be prevalent in the future.