Earth Science Video

Reflection: For this assignment, I and my group members had to make a video about a concerning topic that was impacting the environment. We chose Ocean Acidification, as we thought this topic is not generally talked about much. We thought that we could make this video enjoyable to watch but still bring awareness to the topic itself. We used thoughtful and critical thinking for the planning of this video as well as having our research organizer to store all of our research . Through our research organizer, we were able to monitor our progress and adjust our actions to make sure our video came out the way we wanted. Each person was responsible for their own work in the group. We were able to show responsibility, by providing strong information that related to our topic.  We were very organized during the process of making this video. We made sure we had credible sources when researching our topic, by using the school’s library trusted sources list to gather our information. Without our communication, we wouldn’t have been able to complete this project or have it turn out the way it did. We could have done better by including more information about how you could help out this growing issue, and also the places ocean acidification is majorly impacting. Making a video like this is a good way to spread the message about issues such as these, but to also have the fun in creating a video.

Recycling Flipbook Project


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Reflection: In this assignment, we learned about ways we can reduce waste in our everyday lives. My group did Bamboo toothbrushes and eco-friendly toothpaste. Bamboo toothbrushes have boar bristles which are completely plant-based and vegan-friendly. You can dispose of these toothbrushes in the compost bin rather than throwing away plastic ones. We educated ourselves and others about how we can all have a positive impact on the environment as well as how we can recycle/use alternatives. The only improvement I would make to this assignment would be to divide up the workload in the group.



Woodbug Lab


Reflection: For this assignment, I and my group members had to design an experiment with woodbugs and see how they would react. My group’s experiment was to see if the woodbugs reacted to light. We covered the woodbugs up for different periods of time and exposed them to the flashlight. We chose this type of experiment becuase woodbugs typically live under rocks or wood, so they are underground all the time. So we thought it would be interesting to see if the woodbugs reacted to the light or if they didn’t at all. Our thought process was that If the woodbugs typically never see light, then they would get scared and maybe curl up as if trying to defend themselves. My group used critical thinking a lot throughout the duration of this assignment.  We analyzed the woodbugs during our experiment. We were careful to keep our experiment in a controlled space so that we could get accurate results. At first, we just wanted to shine the light on the woodbugs, but then we decided to do different times so that we could get an idea of how long the woodbugs needed to be under light to react. This shows that we were able to analyze our thoughts and we were able to consider more than one way of an investigation. We were also able to collaborate and get evidence from different perspectives and also identifying the criteria for this assignment. I think my group could do better next time by researching the background of Woodbugs. During our experiment, we noticed that the woodbugs were not reacting at all to the light. We later found out that Woodbugs cannot see light and that they have tiny light receptors. Next time I think a little more research will be needed if we were to do another assignment like this.