My Digital Foot Print

Digital Footprints!


As of this moment, I don’t have a digital footprint. So, if a future employer were to look for my current digital footprint, they would not find anything. My current digital footprint would likely make me a decent candidate for a job that I would be applying for, as it would show that I am not a different person online then I am in real life. On the other hand, if my digital footprint did exist, and I expressed myself in a bad way on the internet, it would likely make me an extremely undesirable candidate for the job I want, as it would make it obvious that I would likely not be a good person.


Three strategies to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe!

  • Always think about what you’re posting. Is it inappropriate? Will it cause problems? Is it purposely going to hurt someone? If any of these things apply, then you should not post it. It will do nothing but cause problems for you in the future.
  • If you ever want to see how your digital footprint comes across to others, google yourself. Just because you don’t see a problem with it, doesn’t mean others won’t. Posts that you haven’t seen in years can come up, and that might not be something you want people to see.
  • Just don’t post very often. That doesn’t mean don’t post at all, just avoid excessive posting, that almost documents your whole life. People can use that to find out information about you, which could potentially be quite dangerous.


Things to Know!

Think before you do anything. Don’t just post because you haven’t posted anything for a while. Social media isn’t what your whole life is about. Sometimes it’s necessary to just turn off your phone and do something else. If you’re tempted to say something hurtful or problematic, think about whether or not you want people to see this. Future employers will likely judge you a lot by what you post online.

One thought on “My Digital Foot Print”

  1. You received a passing mark on your Digital Footprint assignment. 3/5. Here is your evaluation:

    Your message shows an understanding of your digital footprint but the information is minimal or not entirely relevant. There were no images included on the page. The final product does not engage the audience and though it may elicit discussion it may not necessarily be viewed due to the lack of visual content.

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