Core Competencies Reflection – Creative Thinking
I can generate new ideas by gathering ideas from my partner and deep thinking about my object I am making the story about. I can build ideas by combining ideas with my partner and build up on those ideas. I can develop ideas by writing and seeing where the story goes and seeing how it fits my story. My partner and I collaborated on ideas and what the object would be through communication and we both got involved an even amount. I think my partner and I made the story detailed enough so that the reader can visualize what was happening in the and what the setting looked like. Things I would do differently would be maybe making the story longer and more in depth, but we did have enough time. I think I improved on my creative writing but I still would like my writing to be a little more detailed.
A good job on your assignment and reflection Abby. Continue to work on developing the presentation skills using Sway. Adding a background and breaking up your text into smaller sections might be advisable in the future. 5