PCBs Orcas

Orcas & PCB’s

Reflection – Critical Thinking

I can analyze websites and pick out useful information from trusted sources.  I reasoned and connected of what would happen in the food chain and what is happening to animals and humans with PCBs.  My group and I modeled/made pictures visualizing the situation and what’s happening to the orcas and factories.  We reflected and connected of what would happen to us and the wildlife in the future.  We used technology to research more about Orcas and PCBs in the environment.

Ways I would improve are researching it more and organizing and going more into depth about the food chain.

Recycling Brochure

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Reflection – Communication

I can collaborate with my partners by discussing websites and different ways sorting out information.  I can teach my peers about certain things happening to our environment.  I am considerate to others when we collaborate and I take others people ideas and build on them for a fair share.  I contributed to class discussions when I talked about recycling.  I justified my answers about recycling when researching and gathering evidence from recycling places and stores.  I shared my ideas with my partners when we had to put the recycling poster together and when we needed to collaborate ideas for the final product.