Core Competency Self-Assessment

Communicating – I show communication by communicating with my peers wether thats inside or outside of school.  Communicating to my peers helps me learn more and understand what I’m learning.  Communication also helps me with new opportunities such as making new friends or volunteering around my community.  Two areas of communication I would like to work on are writing and speaking.  Some strategies i can use to work on my writing and speaking is gathering information from the books I read and asking my teachers or grandparents for help.

Creative Thinking – Some ways I like to show my creative thinking are creating new ideas to help me learn more and or completing my assignments like photography.  Photography shows my creative thinking by making me take my creative ideas and show them in one of my passions.  How I can expand my creative thinking: I can ask of help and expand ideas that I already have.

Social Awareness and Responsibility – Some ways I show social awareness and responsibility is by volunteering around my community and helping others such as my peers in my community and at school.  On my school breaks and long weekends I like to volunteer at my local dog daycare and socialize with the owners.  When my community has a social gathering or an event I like to help out by setting up the event or socializing with the guests.  Some things I would like to work on in this competency is socialization, even though I do it on a regular bases, I’m still not comfortable constantly talking to people I don’t know.