Snowball Campaign Video

Reflection:I didn’t personally Starr in the video but I helped come up with ideas to surface it. We had to creatively think as a group to find a slogan and other things that were required in our campaign. I had to use my creative writing skills to come up with the ideas, for example the slogan was hard to think of since snowball is a bit of an unusual name, but we started rhyming and brainstorming words and we finally found it.The poster I made also required some very creative writing skills, I found it a bit difficult make since I wasn’t there when they were coming up with the ideas for our campaign and I had to do it alone without a lot of knowledge on it. Although there was difficulties it all worked out and came together at the end. If I had to do this again I would make the poster more colorful and detailed. I’m very grateful the experience I think these skills will help me in the future.

2 Responses

  1. A good start with your media Abigail, however you need to have a much longer reflection – should be 6-8 sentences at minimum. Once you add more let me know via email so that I can reassess your work. 2.5

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