assignment 3 TOKW

i am answering question number 1 Describe your first two months at Heritage Woods. Have your first two months met your expectations? Why or why not? List and describe in detail 3 pieces of advice that you might offer to students from your former middle school who are entering Heritage next year. (Include images to assist you in explaining your points.

My first month has met my expectations because all my classes are how I expected them to be. the challenges are how i thought they would be as well as the homework. The work  is defiantly harder the middle school was  there’s lots more work and more homework but i was expecting that. My friends that are older then me also told me what to expect with high school. Coming from a new grade 9 some advice for the younger grades coming into high school. Stay organized in all subjects it helps with sating on tracked and not losing thing. Another thing would be use your tie wisely and don’t leave things to last minute for you have more time to socialize and with sports i found it helps a lot. The last thing i say would be ask for help from your teachers and classmates it helps you clarify for what your doing over all if you follow these three advices you should have a positive grade 9 expertise