
My name is Aidan Thompson, I attend Heritage woods secondary school. My favourite sports are soccer and basketball. Some hobbies I have is hanging out with friends and playing video games. I live with my family, and I have no pets. I enjoy watching football and other sports, but football is my favourite. This is all about me.

My favourite video is the Biggest Football Hits Ever. This is my favourite video because I love football. It is a very entertaining video watching all the massive hits in football history. I like lots of videos but this has to be my favourite, even though my main sports are soccer and basketball, I really love football. This is my favourite video.

This is my favourite photo because this photo is from when I was in London. London was one of the best destinations I went to when I was in Europe. This is a photo of Big Ben. It is my favourite attraction I saw in London. This is my favourite photo

This is my favourite quote because it is a very true quote. Things in life are going to be hard but what you set your mind to you can do. I find this quote very inspirational and motivating, it makes me want to conquer something or do it better every time I read it.

My favourite website is youtube 

This is my favourite website because there are so, many things you can learn on it. From playing the guitar to learning how to do something in a video game. I personally use this website a lot. I generally use it for tutorials on how to do things, but I do watch videos for fun too. I like to watch lots of videos on how to do things in video games. This is is why it’s my favourite website.