About Me


This a video on the basic functions of a tabletop roleplaying game. I have a lot a fun playing RPGs although some people find the hobbie a bit of a wast of time.

This is one of my favorite because it is a pun the saying carpe diem I also like the original saying. Which means size the day. I prefer to interpret as do as much as you can in a day.

My favorite website is the DM’s guild which is a website to publish 3rd party Dungeons and dragons content and get paid 50% of your sales profits. So it is very beneficial to all creators that post good content and not so much for the people that throw out content like rotten food. Fortunately the more popular PDFs go on the bestsellers list.

One thought on “About Me

  1. Alan: 3/5
    You have a good start on constructing your page and have integrated media and text effectively. Marks were deducted because you didn’t include a paragraph about yourself. Another mark was deducted because you didn’t include a quote, and an explanation of why you chose it. Please feel free to email me if you make changes and want the page marked again. If you need help you can come see me in room 213 at flex.

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