One of my extracurricular is playing basketball. Basketball has changed my life in many ways. one of them is playing less video games. I used to spend tons of time on video games and i didn’t like going outside. But two years ago i started playing basketball and it changed my life. I finally realized that there is a world outside except video games and i was wasting my time indoors. sometimes i go to drop-in at port moody or Pine tree but i usually got to town center and play there with my friends. Basketball had an amazing affect on my grades because all the radiations from the TV had an affect on my brain and after it stopped my brain worked better than ever.
I have played many sports such as soccer, tennis, ping pong… but out of all of them basketball is my favorite. not only I enjoy playing basketball i also enjoy watching it. my favorite team is the Raptors and my favorite player is Kawhi Leonard. The raptors won the NBA championship last year and there was a big ceremony in Toronto for it. The reason this was an important moment for Canadians was that it was the first Canadian team to win the NBA championship.
One of my biggest dream is that one day i van join the NBA and be a famous athlete. I want to join the Lakers because the Lakers only accepts the best players and I want to be one of them. If I get in the NBA, I’m going to donate half of my money to Australia because the forest fire is pretty bad there.