No doubt staff, students and parents have a number of questions surrounding the new Digital Literacy 10 course at Heritage Woods Senior Secondary and the ways in which the school is going to look at integrating technology. Through posts on this blog we will look to keep all interested parties up to date on what is going on surrounding the course, and the use of technology within Heritage Woods.
Why Blogging?
The blog is an opportunity for students to develop a repository in addition to reflecting, sharing and organizing their learning. It is a showcase of student learning that will be added to as the students’ progress through their career in Heritage Woods Senior Secondary. Students are welcome to write their own posts and content to their blog but should look to use the various pages as a means of collecting artifacts of their in-class learning for their showcase portfolio.
This blog, like everything else on the internet, will stay with the students even after they have left Heritage Woods Secondary. It is part of their digital footprint. It can, and hopefully will be used, to showcase their accomplishments and reflections to future employers and post-secondary institutions among others.
In addition, the blog offers opportunities for in-class collaboration, and exchange of ideas. Students will be able to connect easily with each other in-class and be able to provide positive, thoughtful and constructive feedback on student assignments.
Comments Welcome.