Assignment 4 – Digital Citizenship

Topic 1, option 1: Screen time

At school I spend about 20 minutes (usually less like 10 minutes) on my phone every block except last block and I use my computer for school for 3 blocks which are sometimes an hour.  Plus I use my phone at lunch sometimes listening to music, TikTok, or snapchat (Which is 45 minutes).

At home I do my chores and make sure my room is clean then I go on my phone until dinner which is usually 20-45 minutes. After dinner I go on my phone for 30 minutes then I walk my dogs and then I go play video games or go on my phone for around 2.5 hours. This adds up to 5.5 hours on average. So yes, I’m on my phone and video games lots.

Topic 2 option 2: Password hygiene

My passwords are pretty good, but I use the same type of passwords for all my accounts. I rarely update my account unless I know someone else is trying to get a hold on my account, but I use two-factor authentication on every account I have. Overall, I would so I’m pretty secured.

Topic 3 option 1: Who are you online?

When I’m online I try to be myself as much as I can and if people don’t like then they can get off my page. I’m myself online because it would be more stressful trying to be someone else. I want to be seen as funny because I want to make people happy. I’m also a nice guy on the internet and video games. I just try to make people happy while being happy.

Topic 4 option 2: Safe digital space

When I’m in a group chat or playing video games and someone says someone rude or call me something what I do is just agree with them, it makes the argument shorter so you 2 are not arguing if your stupid or not. That’s stupid. In every group chat I’m in there’s always an argument or a fight or something like that but nothing ever physical so it’s always verbal.


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