I will be using MLA format for citations in this assignment.
I myself am indigenous and value this as a time to reflect on the horrors and depressing things that went on in residential schools. the remembrance of victims is important that is where the origin and purpose of orange shirt day comes from. it is so important to keep remembrance of what happened to the victim’s and to reconciliate for those who are not here with us and were unfortunately lost and may rest beneath the schools. every year school and communities’ show honor and respect to those who suffered by wearing a orange shirt the symbol of remembrance day so when everyone wears them they show respect to people who endured harsh conditions.
”orange shirt society”, orange shirt day, may 2023 https://orangeshirtday.org/, accessed November 7th 2023
the 94 calls to action is a step forward to help and protect the indigenous people with law and protection rights imposed by the reconciliation commission to protect survivors and the future indigenous children of Canada. there are currently 13 laws completed and there are more that are underway and not started yet this shows that the justice is still going underway and 94 calls to action is still being pushed to make a reality with 79 of the laws yet to be completed but will be with the commission pushing more and the support of people and news station like MSNBC.
Willms,Jessica Melito Elizabeth, Evans Mike, and Friesen Dwight, ”beyond 94 truth and reconciliation” CBC news, March 19th 2018, https://www.cbc.ca/newsinteractives/beyond-94?&cta=2 accessed November 8 2023.
truth and reconciliation day is to not only remember the ones we have lost but to keep the remembrance of the horrors to remind the people who committed the crimes the atrocities and trauma they have caused. we keep this alive to make sure it doesn’t happen again and that the new generation learns from it and they will do better then they generations before them to assure equality and equal opportunities for everyone. truth and reconciliation is a day actively experienced in every school in Canada to teach the future about the past.
Governments of BC,BC public service agency province of B.C March 9th 2023
call 63 iii is helping pursue education of indigenous students.
this helps me because building empathy and mutual respect is vital when your young being raised a kind person helps and imbeds it in a Childs mind its not easy to learn as a adult but rather when a kid is young. the law not only helps indigenous children but rather all because building a kind world is important for a stable future.
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, Calls to Action, truth and reconciliation commission of Canada, 2012
1500–360 Main Street calls_to_action_english2.pdf
The Kwikwetlem are the original settlers of the lands that stretch from the Fraser river to the mountains that stretch above port moody and have been here for centuries. the salmon fishing was booming before the industrialized Europeans began to expand and arise on there lands.as of 2023 there are 2 Indian act reserves and one of them is nestled down by the river and the other one is bigger but has no river or lake access. growing poverty among indigenous people is becoming serious as on the reserves as in the reserves are people living in campers and harsh condition compared to the rest of the city.
i have learned that the Kwikwetlem is a very complicated language and the pronunciation are very hard and the words them self are extremely hard to read it takes time to learn there language and accents that are surrounded by there culture. as you translate Kwikwetlem is translated to ”red fish up the river and it shows there symbols mean something that correlates to there settlement.
Martelluzzi Deborah,