Assignment 7 excel graph

in this poll this shows my monthly spending chart. clearly i spend the most eating out while a small share is the my other amenities which are much smaller and aren’t always every single month. but i think that my monthly spending is overall on the best things and i could put my money to better.


for this poll i asked 10 random people instead of friends and got quite mixed answers as sour patch kids was the favorite with gummy bear coming second and fussy peaches having 2 (shows 1 that was a error) and lickerish only having 1 vote.


this shows what a year by year investment would look like and the over spending i would do. this is a slow grow as it is yearly investment but over time this money adds up with my initial investment being more than the passive investment but it over time being more than the initial investment..

more than the initial investment.


assignment 7 excel graph.xlsx