Take your kid to work day 2018

Ethan hazlehurst

Advisory: 561593








The Assignment:


Name: __ethan hazlehurst___________________

(First Name and Last Initial)

Advisory #:_561593_________



You will be observing your host throughout the day. There are 3 parts to this assignment:


Part 1- The Interview: Observe your host at work, at some point interview your host and record/make notes of the results

Part 2 – Reflection: After the day is finished, reflect upon your experience and answer the reflection questions Part 3 – Post Your Assignment to Your Blog: Once your have completed Part 1 and Part 2 post it on your blog. Make sure you take pictures and/or videos to document your day, you can place them in your blog.



Name of your host: ___Ross hazlehurst____________________ Relationship to you: ______Dad____________________


The Interview: (ask your host these questions)


  1. What is your job title?
  2. Account manager for audio visual systems 2.
  3. what is your job description works to develop and add new electronic equipment to places that want it, like the coast guard, where I went._______________________________________________________
  4. ____________________________________________________


  1. What are the duties and/or tasks you perform at your job? __I didn’t get to do anything.___________________________


  1. What qualifications do you have for this job in the following areas:
  2. a) training? There was nothing ahead of time that could have helped me, my dad does some public speaking, witch I can do from practice, but I’m still bad at._____________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________   b) education?__I know how to use electronics like speakers and tablets, but I cant design them, or sway people to buy my product, because I suck at selling stuff. __________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________   c) experience? _Well I saw him work, I never got to do anything, so I cant say I’ve really had any experience with it, other than using some technology.__________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________   d) skills and attributes (personal qualities)?_____________________________________

______________________________________   _   __________________________

  1. What are some of the things you like about the job? You get to go places, like Victoria, and work with nice people that my dad works with or sees when he goes to buildings. ot a single one was a pain to be around, except a Swedish guy who talked to much._________________________________


  1. What are some of the things you dislike about this job? __Sitting on a computer and constant meeting, lots of math and stalks to count. Waiting for sometimes years just for a deal with an organization to go through, to get them better speakers or TVs._____________________________




  1. How do you anticipate this job changing in the next 5 years or so? _It works with technology, technology is always changing, his job with always be important, because technology wont take his job, because he already works selling it. He will get to work with all now TVs and speakers, and tablets, and phones in his job.____________________



Other question (s):



Student Reflections:

  1. Give three reasons why you would like this job (be specific):
  2. a) _Getting to travel to places, and go into cool and fancy building, and going to Victoria on a boat, being able to work with colleges and friends,._
  3. ____________________________________________________________ b) He doesn’t just work at a desk job where he works alone for hours he gets to stand up and do stuff, and it actually doesn’t sound that boring, he has a lot of people to talk to._______________________________________________________________ c) He works from home when he’s not away somewhere, so he can talk to us and see us all the time, and not have to drive to work and back.     ________________________________________________________________
  4. Give three reasons why you would not like this job (be specific):
  5. a)   This job can make you mad, you go and you try to get a deal, you get hyped, then they say no deal, and your work is useless 7._______________________________________________________________ b)   ___It would be annoying to have to talk to clients every week or so._____________________________________________________________ c)   My dad works a lot, sometimes until about 6 or 7 sometimes.  ________________________________________________________________
  6. Is this job for you? Why or why not?

____the parts I like about this job ___I like being able to go places, and being able to check out buildings and actually do other things than just sitting down on a computer. But there are thing I don’t like, like having to do math and stalks, and stuff like that. Id say the main thing that would be agitating, is waiting for clients to sign a contract. And then they don’t and don’t want the contract anymore and eave, that would make me so mad.__________________________________________________________________________________



  1. Explain the value of the TYKTW experience in relation to your ideas about your post secondary (after high school) plans (education?, training?, travel?, work?).

__I say its to kind of know what you want to do or don’t want to do. And then kind of knowing what the day is like, and what you have to do and deal with on a daily basis. And having to deal with loss and not getting mad, like getting a deal through or not. And its important to know what job you want that will make you happy and have enough money to not die. And know what to work before like experience, to get a job you will be happy at. ________________________________________________________________________________________




Blog Post:

Step 1: Go to your Blog Step 2: Create a new POST

  • Title: Take Your Kid To Work Day 2018
  • Category: Extracurricular
  • Tag: This varies by teacher:
    • Aitken – TYKTW2019A
    • Castonguay – TYKTW2019C
    • Raghoobarsingh – TYKTW2019R
    • Hewitt – TYKTW2019H
  • Add Media: Add a picture or video of your work place Step 3: Add your assignment to the post by doing one of the following
  • Copy and paste the assignment from a word document
  • Type in all of the questions and answers
  • Upload a PDF or a completed Word Document

Step 4: Click Publish

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