Extra Curricular

For extra curricular I have chosen to choose my drawing.

I enjoy to draw and it is something i usually do a lot after school. i hav spent years improving my skills because its something i actually care about and enjoy. I draw lots of different awesome things , and practice on my skills and then here are some core competencies that i use.

Creative thinking

I can make my ideas work and change what i am doing. I can do this because i pick up skills and take lessons from different people and what i need to improve to get better at something. I can realize when i do something wrong not to get mad but to learn off of it and improve on what i am doing. I learn from my mistakes because that is how you learn to do something. Is mistakes and just practicing. I don’t get mad when i fail, i can just do it an other way, or try to get better at the way I’m doing it. I can get creative ideas because i think of what to draw and grow off of other ideas i had from past projects that i thought where cool to draw or i enjoyed drawing.

I have interest and passions i pursue over time.

I love to draw and it is one of my passions and it’s what i enjoy to do. I’ve loved drawing since i was in elementary school, and i loved it, i never took lessons, i taught myself on how to do it and spent a lot of time learning from YouTube, its kind of therapeutic for me because it calms me down and makes me happy, sometimes i draw at night, right before i go to bed because it makes me happy and its fun for me, not everyone but me. I have spent years trying to get better at it, i get ideas and peruse them, make characters and draw animals, and trees and houses, And then you spend all your time trying to make it look its best from trying to make it look its best, and practicing shading ad drawing straight lines.

I get ideas when i use my scenes to explore.

I can get good ideas when I’m doing something i enjoy. Like i said before I can get new ideas from things I’ve done before. When i get to explore something i can get new ideas. I don’t just draw random stuff. I try to explore new ways of drawing things and stuff like that. I try to draw new things like characters and villages and try to explore new ideas that are different and creative. And drawing a giant spectrum of stuff. So i can test new ideas out that are different and creative. I try not to be like everyone else, I want to draw everything so i develop the skill to be able to draw everything. i might be an artist of a graphic designer when I’m older or just keep it as a hobby. But i like the creativeness of drawing worlds and characters.

3 thoughts on “Extra Curricular

  1. Ethan H
    Mark: Incomplete
    At this time, I cannot seem to locate/access a post around your Extracurricular Activity Assignment. Please review the criteria, complete the assignment and post your extracurricular assignment and then at your earliest convenience during Flex, please present the assignment to your digital literature teacher.

  2. New Score: 5/5
    Thank you for reading the comments regarding your assignment and taking the time to reflect and revise your Project with some of the necessary changes.

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