Peanut Butter Power

Image result for steve the monkeyImage result for doug the dog                                communication

I am an active listener i support and encourage people talking.

I do this because i always hear peoples ideas and always hear what they are saying because its important to know other peoples ideas. Because it could make the project a lot better and they could have ideas that could make your idea more creative, and end up getting an A in your assignment.

I can receive and act of feedback

I can easily switch what I’m doing to something else if someone says i need to do something different. And also can do more or less work, i try to be calm when the work i just did was useless, or that i did way to little, i just try to do what i can and try to do my homework. And make sure, even a little too often, that I’m doing the right things, and what I’m doing is what i have to do, to get a pretty swell grade.

I can present information clearly and in an organized way

I can do this because i can memorize my work, and usually find some sort of way to remember my or others work, by reading or practicing what they did. I talk to people in my group just so i know what to talk about or know for the presentation. I try to remember the most important details, and the other thing about me is, i can talk for a long time.

I can work with others to achieve a common goal, i do my share.

I always try to do my part of the work and i never slack off, i will always do my part in the project, unless I’m away for some reason, like during this project. But i still did all i could and worked and tried to do at least some work. I think for the time i had, i did quite a bit of work, and i put a lot of time and effort to put in just so the other people didn’t need to do everything.

I recognize there are other points of view, i disagree respectively.

Some of the group members weren’t taking the work to seriously, but there was a few people who where. I tried to get everyone to act and be on track when i got back. And i tried to stop things i disagreed with. I let the name and other things slide, they where stupid but funny. I just tried to disagree with ideas i didn’t believe would work, and i just tried to make everything sound at least a little reasonable and something that made at least some sense, although my group members had some pretty swell ideas.

Something I’m bad at          @  >  @

I can represent my learning, and tell how it connects to my experiences and efforts.

I am bad at explaining my learning and what I’ve done. I just do work and i have a pretty bad memory, thanks brain. So you know what, i cant remember what i did days later. So reflecting is my nightmare, so its infuriating when i see a person next to me with 7 paragraphs, and in on my first because my memory is dead. I need time to look at my work and things like that.












One thought on “Peanut Butter Power

  1. Ethan H- Peanut Power Project
    Competency – Communication
    Mark – A
    Media and Information
    You have properly integrated your media into your blog and used an appropriate format to present your assignment. Information relates to a core competency. You include supporting details and/or examples of how you demonstrated the competency
    Reflection has some organization and paragraphs included, do further communicate your ideas and use the language of the core competency to describe how you addressed the core competency and how you will apply it in the future

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