Animal Farm Campaign Project

Animal Farm Project


Starring –


Evan D, Aden C, Jack M


We used many propaganda techniques in our presentation.  First, in our poster, we wrote “Snowball”, in big bold letters representing that our animal’s name is Snowball.  We also wrote “Equality is our philosophy” in big cursive letters.  By writing in cursive it grabs the eye, and shows that our animal believes in equality.  Then we coloured our poster in red, and yellow, representing the Soviet Union, which was a society of communism.  We also used propaganda techniques in our video.  For example, during the video, when we talk about a certain animal, there is also a picture of that animal on the screen.  Finally, at the end of the video, we put a big red and yellow slide that says “Elect Snowball”, which also grabs peoples attention.

We designed the poster, and the video in certain ways.  To create the poster, we used a large piece of paper.  We then wrote our animal’s name, a quote we made up, and a slogan.  Once that was complete we drew a pig directly in the centre of the poster.  After that, we made two columns on each side, one being “Why vote for Snowball”, and the other being, “Promises”.  Finally, we coloured the columns yellow, the pig pink, and the background red.  To design our video, we first video taped ourselves talking about our certain part (mine was why you should vote for Snowball).  We then put it into Imovie, and added some pictures to go along with it.  Finally, we put in a propaganda at the end saying, “Elect Snowball, Snowball does it all”.

There are a couple things I think we could have done better.  First, I think we could have worked better in class.  At the start of when we were making our presentation, we weren’t really on task, and could have benefited from working harder.  Nevertheless, near the end, we started to work harder, and become more on task.  Another thing I think we could have improved upon was our drawing on our poster.  Even though we aren’t great drawers, I definitely think we could have drawn something better than just a pig.



1 thought on “Animal Farm Campaign Project

  1. Good work on your project Evan. You could add more to your reflection looking at the specific techniques you used in your propaganda (such as fear, generalizations etc.). 7/8

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