Animal Farm Campaign Ad

I used communication when making this project. My group had to exchange our ideas to make the best campaign ad we could. At first, we didn’t really agree on what do do, but after we communicated we sorted everything out. In our video, we talked about many different arguments to try to persuade people with different beliefs. We stated arguments about why snowball is the best leader and why. We also stated why the other parties were bad or worse then snowball.

Next time, I would like to add more detail to our arguments. I would also like to state more points to why snowball is the best. I would just like to have more content in general.

One comment

  1. Fynn, your Sway has not been embedded properly. Additionally you have not added a reflection based around the core competencies for this assignment. Please correct this and email me when you are finished in order that I might reassess your work. See me in 213 if you need assistance.

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