My full name is Jamima T.. The proper way to pronounce my first name is (Ja-my-ma). Most people get it wrong in their first try; so if you do mis-pronounce it just remember that you are not alone. My name came from the bible from job’s beautiful daughters.
I love listening to any kinds music, but can’t really play any musical instruments except for maybe a guitar. I am also an aspiring writer; though I am still working on out a story. So far I only admire unique story plots from shows, especially anime shows. I am a big fan of anime and also a bunch of cartoon series. There choice of style and perspective are never a bore, and makes you question about the simple things in life.
I hope to create some fond memories here, and I hope you do too.
My Favorite quote
We fought and survived because we are weak. In every time, in every world the strong polish their fangs while the weak polish their wisdom. The strong may imitate our weapons, but they’ll never master them. Because at the heart of our weapons lies a cowardice born of humility and weakness. Accept the fact that we are the weakest. The one that can become anything, because we were born with nothing.-
This quote was from a show I watched. It was about a human race, and they were the weakest race. There were other races with magic, beasts, long lives with the ability to fly with their wings. They were the weakest race and they were about to go extinct. They believed that they would never win against them, why? because they were weak. And only weak. Then suddenly a boy and girl came to their world and told them exactly that. They were telling them that they can win because they are weak. They can escape and outwit there enemies because they are weak. They had the power to even predict the future because of their cowardice. Like how us humans were able to fly with our planes and jets when nobody thought it would be possible. If we were born with wings, we wouldn’t be able to acquire that knowledge. A way for the weak to stay weak ,but still defeat the strong. A way to stay who you are, but to surpass your limits. To soar through the sky, even if you can’t fly. You don’t have to change who you are, but instead sharpen it.
Favorite Clip.
This clip really humerus to me. This video shows that Technology can be great at times, but just not all the times. The mistake that the robot arm shows can also be seen as a stepping stone on what the future would look like with robots taking care of our young ones. This may scare some people, but I guess it is part of revolution. At the top of the video, It says INTP, you may have heard of the MBTI test. The INTP was my result, saying that though I may be sometimes a mini-Einstein, I lose myself in all the experiments and never-ending though about life. It also said that I am a prone for being insensitive, the video shows that INTP people do experiments that hurt another living being. Overall this video shows that I am a geek, and I love it.
2.5/5 – You have a good start on your About Me page. A mark was deducted because you didn’t include an image that is meaningful to you, and an explanation of why you chose it. You also lost a mark because you didn’t include a link to your favourite website, and an explanation of why you chose it. Finally, a half mark was deducted because you didn’t embed the video.