Digital Literacy 10



When I google myself, the only thing that pops up is my Facebook page. There’s really nothing to look at my profile. I haven’t went on it for years now, so I’m not really worried about it. All the things in there were from five to ten years ago. Nothing there is updated. I am basically a ghost now. My family and friends are the only people in my facebook. When people look at my profile, the first thing they will see my family’s posts.

  1. My digital footprint may affect a lot of things in my life; like my reputation and how people see, me to how I connect to people. If I put racist, provocative, or anything that is not appropriate to talk about to any one can affect my chances to getting jobs, since my bosses and other employees can see what i have done and did. With other people seeing my activities, I can also use this as an advantage of showing my achievements in life. By having an influential Social footprint, I can impress my future bosses on my extra-curricular activities to show my good qualities; to show that I’m a responsible and reliable person.
  2. When my sister goes online to play games, I always tell her to never accept a friend request from someone you have never met outside of the game, by doing this, she can avoid being her computer and personal things being hacked and avoiding to be exploited by dangerous people. Another good thing to do is to change your password every so often; this will also prevent the situation of your account getting hacked. Last, but not least, is to remember your limit on what you can post in social media. It is good to voice out your opinions, but you should stop yourself when a comment gets to hurtful; for example, if
  3. you say you like a movie because of its great story plot, that is a safe post, but if you say that you like this movie because there are gay people in it, or something hurtful , you are crossing the line and know that this isn’t a safe post.
  4. I would tell my fellow students, to always know what you are allowed to post, and know that if it is hurting someone, it is not the best option to share it to the whole world. And because you are a teenager reaching adulthood, you have a reputation of acting mature and not post things that will ruin your education. I also learned that if you are too lazy to change your password every 3 months or so, have your password be a really long one, so when the time comes you forget it because of the fact it was really long, you are forced to change it anyways.








With this project, I have been able to use a new tool, piktochart. I now added to my presentation tools that will help me with my studies in the future.  I have also gained knowledge of what is PLN. Along with this project, I believe that C.R.A.P will go a long way with me. It gave me the responsibility to always look out for unreliable sources and what I can do to prevent that. Double-checking the currency, the relevance, author and purpose of the article will make sure that the information I’m learning and communicating with others will be correct.

Includes critical thinking, personal awareness and responsibility, social responsibility.





  1. Good job on completing your Digital Footprint assignment. Here is your evaluation:
    Overall message and media –
    Message shows a good understanding of your digital footprint. Media works well with your message but the two could complement each other better.
    Analysis –
    Good information present; answers are typical and accurate
    Audience –
    The final product is received well by the audience but does not elicit a further response to be shared with the outside world.
    Your mark – 4/5

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