Science 9

WOODBUG LAB Report RebbecaKianaJamima-1sz07l0

By doing this lab I have learned how to make a graph in the excel in Microsoft. I have learned where the tools are located and how to edit it. I have also learned how to share my documents with my peers making the project easier. Knowing how to work in the same document and make changes in real life time make it more efficient, and avoid complications if we didn’t do this. Doing this lab was a rare experience of looking at the bugs on a close range. Constantly poking them and watching them curl was sort of satisfying. When my teammate gathered our wood bugs for the project, it was surprising to find out that only one of them survived, out of the ten wood bugs she has captured. Keeping these rolly pollies alive was harder than expected.

Includes Critical Thinking, Communication.




This project lets me be able to explore and experiment with the app sway. I got the opportunity to expand my options of presenting e.g powerpoint, posters, videos and now sway. This presentation is about how global warming and greenhouses gases are harming Greenland’s ice sheet and the Arctic regions. I learned a lot of the causes and effects of the heating of the climate by the rising sea level and the threat that this might lead countries underwater. Canada might go underwater with the current pace of the Arctic melting. Researching more on this topic, I know the effect of these for our animals and our lifestyle. From hotter temperatures extreme weather and dying species. More people need to be aware of this.

Doing the homework gave me the understanding of the world. I connect with this work due to the extreme conditions of my home country, Philippines. You may remember the big damage typhoons have made a few years back. Many people were injured, starving and lost. With the extreme climate; the chances of typhoons happening are higher. There are also higher chance with forest fires in Canada due to the hot weather. Towns may go down like the town of Fort McMurray.

In conclusion, we should lessen our use of carbon. We can plant trees instead of cutting them. We can walk instead of driving.

Includes Positive Personal and cultural identity, Social Responsibility, Personal awareness and responsibility.

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