Animal Farm Video

Core competency reflection: creative thinking

For our animal farm project we made a poster and a video to promote Old Major. We had to be creative in coming up with a unique campaign that would help gain votes. We also had to be creative in producing our video. We needed to find a way to make each of us look like the different animals because we didn’t have any costumes. We found a way to but the animals on to us so we looked like them, which also added a humorous effect. We all enjoyed creating our campaign together and worked well as a whole.

Next time we work in a group we should consider better time management. We found ourselves short for time, rushing to finish our project. If we did it again we would plan out our time better to make sure we don’t feel stressed to finish the project on time.

Comparing and Contrasting Two Short Stories

Core competency reflection: Communication

Writing this essay was surprisingly interesting and fun. For the first essay of the year I am proud of the work I have done and the mark I received. I forgot how much I enjoy writing and often found myself writing too much and having to cut things out. I showed how passionate I am about the meanings of these stories and the issues they tackle. I was able to demonstrate my skills in writing that I have so far. I communicated my thoughts on the stories throughout this essay and showed my ability to analyze and compare stories.

I am happy I can write a good essay. I will work on improving grammar and spelling and work on transitioning between paragraphs. I hope to gradually improve my writing skills as the years go on.