Welcome to Heritage Woods. As you transition into grade nine there are a number of supports that you can access throughout the school to help make your transition to high school smooth and successful. We have a number of teacher resources and mentors that you can access to ask questions about school life, procedures, policies etc. Our awesome counselors, and school youth worker are also here to assist you with any questions or issues you may need assistance with. Do not be afraid to ask! Email links for the support staff can be found below:
Grade Nine Teacher Mentors:
Mr. J. Nelson – jnelson@sd43.bc.ca
Mrs. S. Martin – smartin@sd43.bc.ca
Mrs. K. Watt – kwatt@sd43.bc.ca
Mr. K. DeWolff – cudewolff@sd43.bc.ca
School Youth Worker
Ms. Karin Leathwood – kleathwood@sd43.bc.ca