digital footprint

My digital footprint 


Question one 

Ex.1 if you are looking to get a job your boss will want to look up information on yourself . If you r social accounts are clean then good, your safe, but if your accounts are full of inappropriate post of behavior chances are he might not hire you. It will probably make it hard to land a job if this is what your boss sees. 

Ex .2 if you are successful and someone finds something bad or           inappropriate online that you did online it may come back and haunt you. It could affect your work/success and lower your reputation as an employee and a person. 


Question two 


. Change your passwords regularly. It makes your passwords less predictable and if someone knows  your password changing it could stop them from doing something bad. 

. Never share personal information online. Sharing things like your number, where you live, your age, password and credit card information could be dangerous. You never know what people could do with that information. 

. Always be careful with who you friend online. That person might be manipulative or just a straight up creep. Also if someone’s profile looks like they may be trustworthy they might just be using a fake account t get to you. 


Question 3 


I would tell students just not to be stupid online. Don’t post anything you’ll regret, don’t share your info and be careful with who you speak to online. 






about me

About me 

Hi my name is Liam R. I was born on February 21st 2003 in the Philippines. My family consist of my 2 parents and my little brother Gavin. I enjoy drawing and going to my martial arts class every other day of the week. my favorite food is steak and my favorite movie is the bee movie. Some other things I like to do is play video games, draw (even though I’m terrible at it) and sleep a lot. things I don’t like are vegetables, stale memes, homework and any type of social interaction whatsoever. I hope this helped you know about me and I look forward to seeing what you think about my blog in the future…. 


My favorite video 


 I didn’t really have any inspirational videos to talk about for my favorite video so I just googled some videos and found this one, but after watching it a couple times it made me feel better about myself and really made my day. The video tells not to be brought down by anyone else and to be completely true to yourself instead of trying to copy other people that you see on the internet or something. I feel like that’s a really important point especially in todays society because it seems like everybody is just trying to be someone or something else, just so that they can fit in. 



My favorite quote 

Image result for inspirational quotes

Once again I did google this quote but out of all the quotes I saw this one just seemed like the one I can relate the most to. The quote is very accurate and true in that if you are scared you will usually run away or just try and forget about it but at the same time you can always face your fears and overcome it which I feel we should all do. 


My favorite website.

My favorite website is steam. Even though its more of a gaming platform its really great because all their games all a community behind them so if you join these communities you gat to talk and meet new people and even make some new friends. Plus some of my favorite games are on that site. I’m always excited when I log on to play games and see the kinds of people I can bump into when I’m playing. Also unlike some other social gaming websites everyone (at least the I’ve met) are usually pretty nice, when on other sites there are a lot of angry salty people. 


My favorite photo 

(just search up Filipino flag)

My favorite photo is literally any photo of the Filipino flag. It just reminds me of home and a much simpler time. I was  able to play on the streets without a care in the world and when I would always eat something interesting every meal of the day. I also think that the flag looks very nice and it always makes me happy whenever I see it anywhere. I know the criteria said  to do just one photo but any image of the Filipino flag just beats out any other photo. 








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