Plagiarism and Digital Media

With so many images, video’s and documents available at the touch of a button many people often find themselves intentionally or unintentionally violating copyright when the save and use images for their own purpose.

Additionally others take text or even ideas from a source in order to write their papers or complete assignments without giving credit where credit is due. This is plagiarism. This is academic dishonesty. This can get you into a lot of trouble later on if you are not careful.

Below you can find a downloadable PowerPoint with a tutorial regarding Plagiarism and how to avoid engaging in it when you do your assignments.

Digital Literacy 10 – Plagiarism Tutorial 2018


Using EasyBib in Word/Office 365

Many of you may be familiar with EasyBib as a place to easily create citations. EasyBib now has an add-on for Microsoft Word which will make it even easier for you to be able to correctly site sources in your documents.