About Me

         Hi, I’m Cameilla. This year is my first year of high school.  I am hoping to get good grades, make lots of new friends and play lots of school sports.  In my free time, I enjoy playing soccer, field hockey, basketball, volleyball and spending time with family and friends.  At home when I’m bored,  I like to draw, bake, play video games, browse social media, and watch YouTube videos.  In my family, I have 4 people, me, my brother, my mom, my dad. I also have two chihuahuas named Macy and Luke. 

      I chose a clip from the movie Grease because it’s my favourite movie. My mom used to put it on when I was younger and I would watch it and keep playing it over and over again. I would always sing the songs in the movie wherever I went and I even have the soundtrack on a CD on my room. I chose this specific song because it is my favourite song in the movie and I know all the words to it.  Hearing this song brings back memories like me sitting in my living room with my mom and dancing around having fun. 

          This is a photo I took at my cabin.  I chose this photo because it reminds me of all the fun memories I have there.  For example, my cousins and I going tubing and going on jumps and flying off the tube or going kayaking with my brother and picking up firewood to make s’mores later.  Some other things we do there include playing manhunt or mafia with our neighbours, swimming at the beach, water skiing, playing survivor on a raft and playing croquet.  One of my favourite memories I have here is playing manhunt with all my neighbours.  This is one of my favourite memories because I had a ton of fun and we bonded.  Something that I like about this place is that there is no wifi and the signal is bad.  I like this because we don’t spend as much time on our phones. 


As my favourite site, I chose YouTube.  I chose YouTube because I’m on it quite a bit and there are lots of different things to watch like music videos, comedy, sports and more.  I watch many different YouTubers from comedy to lifestyle.  Usually, I’m watching people who make videos doing challenges because they are very entertaining.  I also sometimes watch videos of unsolved crimes, videos of people customizing shoes, animated short stories, and mini-documentaries.  In my opinion, the most enjoyable videos to watch are comedic ones.

I chose this quote by Wayne Gretzky because I feel like it encourages you to take chances even though you might not be super confident about something it’s always still worth a shot.  For example, if you’re unsure about shooting the ball when you are right in front of the net, shoot it because if you don’t, you miss even though you never shot. This relates to me because I’m very athletic and play lots of sports like soccer and field hockey. This quote also not only is directed at sports but, it is also directed towards other things like school, social life and more. Whenever I hear this quote, it inspires me to take chances and to try my best in everything like school or sports.

One thought on “About Me

  1. Cameilla: 5/5
    Great work! You have done a very good job putting together your about me page and have integrated your media seamlessly onto your page. Your comments are thorough without being too revealing and indicate a good understanding of digital literacy. Your sections all have details of relevance; you have embedded your video; created a clickable hyperlink to your favorite website and included your favorite quote, and why it’s meaningful to you.

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