About Me

Introduction: My name is Holden, and I am currently 13 years of age. I really enjoy playing Soccer and spending time around close friends. I’ve always really enjoyed Soccer since a young age. It has just given me a way to drive all of my energy and focus into one thing that really made me happy. Another thing I enjoy in my spare time is running. I really enjoy just going out by myself and having the capabilities to run however far my heart desires. Just being able to focus on your breathing and your surroundings is extremely calming. I have lots of goals as a young student and athlete, some goals I believe are much more achievable than others, but all of them just require hard work and self motivation. One goal of mine is too work extremely hard in school and graduate with grades that would reflect my hard work. I hope to pursue post secondary education and with that, my athletics career as well. My overall goal is one day become an impact and inspiring member of society.

Favourite Quote: “You never learn anything if you’re the one talking.” – Gordie Howe. This quote is my favourite quote because of its realness and relate-ability. Not only that but it also just speaks to me on a personal level because I’ve just always had a problem being a bit of an obnoxious talker, and this quote just kind of put me in a bit of a realization state and really changed me for the better. I also just really love Gordie Howe, he built an extremely humble legacy in the world of sports and he’s a pretty cool guy.

Favourite Video: 

I chose this as my favourite video for a few reasons, one of those reasons is I’ve always been extremely interested in space and the vast world surrounding us on planet earth. It is just mind blowing to sit and really think about how small we really are as humans. I also chose this video because it really puts into perspective the thought of how tiny we are. Just being able to look and see all of these massive planets and collections of dust and rock within space is really eye opening. Lots of content uploaded to Youtube and other video platforms are lots of time not very informative or interesting, but more just content for pleasure viewing. Then there are videos like this that really teach or show you something that you probably didn’t know. That is the big reason on why I chose this video.

Favourite Website: http://youtube.com

I chose Youtube as my favourite website. I chose Youtube as my favourite website because not only can Youtube provide you with entertainment upon request, but it can also be an excellent source of knowledge and facts about almost anything you could possibly desire. Having the ability to open any device and directly search a specific topic and learn about it is extremely helpful in this day and age of education. Youtube gives you the opportunity to do such a thing, but it also provides you with something that websites like Google and Wikipedia can’t and that is the fact that on Youtube not only are you able to be provided with tons of insights on all different kinds of topics, but Youtube gives you the opportunity to watch the information be presented to you with interesting and sometimes comedic visuals that can extremely benefit retaining the topic. Another thing that Youtube can provide is entertainment. Not just stuff like news clips and weather castings, but entertainment like comedy, life skills, challenges, video logs (vlogs), and so much more. Youtube created a platform that creators of all kinds could come together and make content for their viewers. There is content that could tend to any kind of mood, interests, skills, and opinions. That is why I chose Youtube as my favourite website.

A photo that has impacted me is this photograph of famous musician Tyler, the Creator. This photo has impacted me because of what he as a member of society stands for. Tyler is an openly bi-sexual artist who touches on many important matters within society that don’t get enough attention. Tyler is also an excellent storyteller who has shared lots of his life stories and experiences with the world. This photo has mainly impacted me because seeing Tyler stand on stage and share his music and stories with everyone just makes me feel that no matter your current circumstances in life or whatever prejudice you face, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and nothing is impossible. Being able to rise above your problems and achieve what others think you can’t is one of the real purposes in his music. That is why Tyler, the Creator has impacted me.