Current lab


Social responsibility’s reflection.

During the project, I have demonstrated social responsibility. A category I did well in is solving problems in a peaceful way. I did well in identifying problems and identify when to ask for help. I did this when working on my sway because I’m not very familiar with sway and was confused with how it works and how to add the sway to my portfolio. For example, I wasn’t sure how to add my sway to the portfolio properly but after trying and asking for help I was able to get it on properly. I also can clarify problems, consider alternatives, and evaluate strategies. When working on our circuit we realized our circuit wasn’t properly lighting and we had to find out why, so we used the process of elimination to figure out what wasn’t working. An example is we tested our battery, lightbulbs, and wires until we found out it was the wires were the problem. I think another category I did well in building relationships.

I also feel I did a good job of building relationships. Specifically, that I can identify when others need support and help them. I would make sure that everyone knew what to do and that they understood what was needed to be done. For example, when performing our circuit and going through the circuit some people were confused and I made sure that they understood. I also helped people with their blogs. Some people were confused about how to add the sway to there post so I made sure I helped. I helped them add the sway but made sure that they knew how to do it as well. So, they could be able to do it by themselves later.

I think I could work on Contributing to the community and caring for the environment. But specifically, I can participate in classroom and group activities to improve the classroom, school community, or natural world.  I think that if I were to contribute more to class conversations, I would be able to understand how it can contribute more to our community and life. There would more of a conversation, and I would be able to fully understand the concept and understand it in more depth. The next time we have a group project I will try to be more involved in discussions. I think that if I start to try to make out of school connections then that will also help my learning. In the next project, I will try to consider these factors. This will make my knowledge deeper and be more involved in the class.

Animal Farm Poster


During this project I have demonstrated personal awareness and responsibility. A category that I did well in the category is self-determination. Somethings that I did well are that I can advocate for myself and my ideas. I did this by when my group was thinking of ideas, I was sure that I said them to my group and finding ways to build off their ideas. For example, as we were talking about the layout of our poster, I made sure to have my say on how I wanted the words to be and I was able to build of my other groups ideas on how the picture should look. I also think I did a good job with that I can celebrate my efforts and accomplishments. When ever we finished our goal of that day or when we finished our poster, we were all proud of what we did. I was able to show when I did a good job and celebrate my achievements with my group. But overall I think I did a god job with self regulation.

I’m also proud of how I self regulated. Specially how I preserved  with challenging tasks. Being the least artistic person does become a problem when drawing on a poster. But I was able to problem solve and take my time. In the end I was able to watch different tutorial to get the look I wanted. I overcame the challenge and was proud of the look. I also had to create a persuasive speech to convince my peers. I was able to get over my fear of public speaking and create a really good pitch. Even though I did do some good things there are things I could have worked on.

In this project I feel like I could be better at well being. A specific category I would work on is I can use strategies to find piece in stressful times. During this project I feel like we didn’t have a lot of time and I could have created a time line to help manage the stress. I was able to recognize the stress but didn’t do anything to fix it and tried to work through it. I feel like if I wasn’t stressed and fixed that I could have time managed better.  I know what tools to use when stresses but thought I could work through it. But instead it created more problems for me in the end with work being rushed.  I’m glad that I recognized my stress because I was able to work on it and fix it. Helping me recognize it earlier for the future.



Peanut Butter Power


Core competencies: Critical thinking

In this project, we got to create an invention and showcase it to potential “investors”. This ties into the industrial revolution because the industrial revolution was about inventions and benefiting mankind. Our invention was Eidetic Capsules that is a pill that makes you have a photographic memory. We had to think about how our project is would work and fit into the triple bottom line.  The triple bottom line is ethical, environmental and economic. We had to make sure that our product was safe, and people would want to buy it. We also had to make sure that our product would be logical and have a benefit to the environment. It shows how hard it was to come up with an invention and make it a reality. I think that it would be hard for people in the industrial revolution to create an invention because of the social standards and people saying that it couldn’t be done.

I think that something I did good was that I can develop criteria for evaluating design options. I created the logo and the label of our product. I had to follow some criteria that I had searched up and made to make sure it was successful and appealing. I can evaluate the credibility of sources of information. I can also evaluate the credibility of sources of information because I had to search up photographic memory and how there would be a logical way for it to work. There would be a lot of websites that would not be credible or have weird information, but I was able to tell what sources were credible and had trustworthy information. I can analyze evidence from different perspectives. When looking for information I tried to find benefits for every person. For example, I looked at people who were students and needed it for a test and considered people with diseases such as Alzheimer’s because they would hopefully be able to remember information.

Some things that I need to work on is that I can ask open-ended questions and gather information. I do ask some questions, but I feel like I could ask better questions with better answers. This will help extend my knowledge and benefit my project because I will have more information and better understanding. I feel like this is something I could do more of, I can reflect on and evaluate my thinking, products, and actions. I can do this, but I should have done it more because it would help my project and I wouldn’t have to redo or re-find any information because I didn’t reflect. I know that one of my refection’s I said that I wanted to add more detail and do a better job with my reflections. I think that I’m getting better and adding more details but its still something that I would like to work on.


The Fort

Fort reflection:

Competencies: Communication

This project was about explorers and how they created forts. It showed how the forts were created and how it was sustainable. Our task is being to create a sustainable fort and have all the requirements of a regular fort. I decided to work in a group for this project and I think that I and my partner did a really good job overall and I’m happy about the overall product. I think that this connects to group work because I and my partner had to be vocal and talk a lot about the upcoming due dates and we made sure that we both set a timeline so we could have all our stuff handed in and at the best quality. I think to be in a successful group that you need to communicate and evenly share the work and I think that’s something that we did well. I think this was a good project to show group work because you relied on your partner on a lot and couldn’t do most of the stuff without talking.

I think that somethings that I did well are that I recognize that there are different points of view and I can disagree respectfully. I made sure that whenever my partner had a different idea or disagreed that I would hear her out. We would build off a lot of our ideas and would make them better. I think I also did a good job of presenting information clearly and in an organized way. I always make sure that my work is organized, and all the information is organized because it helps me keep track of all the deadlines. When I present, I make sure that all my work is prepared and practiced ahead of time. I can take on roles and responsibilities are in a group. Because I know that I must take responsibility to complete my work and if I don’t then my group will suffer and that’s not something I want to do. I give receive and act on feedback.  I think feedback is super important and helps you grow your learning so you can get better.

Somethings that I need to work on is I can represent and tell how it connects to my experiences and efforts. I think that I need to work on my reflecting on my work because I can tend to miss information and not put my work into enough detail, but I do think that I’ve gotten better because I think that this reflection does show my learning and give examples. I also need to work on presenting information and ideas to an audience I may not know. I get quite flustered and mumble a lot when sharing and I think that I could be a little more open. If I practice, then I think that it will get easier and that’s something that will really help me in the future.

Fort photo:

Fort write up:

  • Why did you leave Europe to come to New France/Canada?

We left Europe because settlers were badly needed in New France. I was offered free passage on a ship, room and board, and a small wage. The promise of free land and plentiful fishing and hunting convinced me and many young farmers to try for a better life in New France. The sailors found New France while they were trying to find a route to India for spices and wealth such as diamonds and gold. But instead found New France full of fish and new opportunities to claim land.

  • How are you going to survive, {what will you need to bring and do to survive?}

We will bring seeds to plant fruits and vegetables and guns and weapons to hunt and protect ourselves from attacks. We would bring salted fish or meat in barrels for the journey and beer or ale.  the early settlers brought axes, shovels, hammers, nails other tools, seed from English plants, and as many personal belongings as they could afford.  We would bring clothes and various animals such as cows, chickens, and sheep. We would bring enough food for the animals so that they could survive the journey and provide them with shelter in the fort so they could survive, and we would be able to have food for a long time.

  • What are the potential dangers, obstructions, problems, etc. to your fort? 

An attack was very possible from the Huron because of their alliance with the English. We had to deal with other men getting very sick and getting scurvy leaving us with very few survivors to help with the fort. Rivals in England always trying to get more land and we had the British coming to New France in the hope to colonize.  Considering were close to a river there a problem that can happen is flooding that could ruin our crops and making us have little to no food for the year.

  • Why did you choose the area to build your fort? What are the potential benefits to your fort due to its location? 

Because it’s far enough away from the major water like the ocean it’s easy to avoid any attacks. But close enough to be able to trade with the First Nations to get furs. It also has good fertile soil to grow crops for food. The benefits would be close enough that we could get to the water fast so we could easily trade. But we were far enough that we wouldn’t get easily attacked or seen by passing ships. There are lots of animals for hunting as well. There are a lot of animals around our fort which our good for hunting and mating with our animals so we will have lots of meat and resources for a long time.

  • How does geography affect where/how your fort was located/built? 

I chose flat land so that we could easily build and somewhere that there weren’t a lot of trees, so it was easy to clear but still enough trees to gather resources. It was a good location for trading because we are far enough to avoid attacks but close enough to be able to trade.  We have good soil which is good for crops and making them grow properly. We are next to a river which could help us get freshwater and get fish or other resources that are in the river. We can also see the ocean which makes it easy to see if other sailors from Spain or France are coming to colonize or invade us.

Why are the people that are out in the wilderness trapping furs going to be attracted to trading with your fort?

Because we have guns and knives which we are willing to trade for furs. We know that they really want guns and knives and we have lots to trade for their furs. We have also made sure we keep an alliance with them so that they can’t go trade with anyone else and then we won’t trade with anyone else. It makes sure that we’re getting all the furs that we need and no one else can.  This gives us an advantage because they would learn to trust us, and we can keep trading with them so no one else can.

  • How will your fort be self-sustainable?

We can grow crops and have animals nearby for easy hunting. We will trade with the aboriginals and make sure that we’re the only ones benefiting from them. We have a sturdy and strong fort that can hold down enemy attacks and we can see when other invaders are invading our colonies. I think that our fort will be able to sustain any attack. We will conquer more land. We will adapt to more of our surroundings and make sure that we have enough food and meat for years to come. Our fort will get stronger and be able to survive for years to come. We will work together and make sure that everyone is a helpful member to the fort.

Take your kid to work day 2019



The Assignment:


Name: Jaden H

(First Name and Last Initial)

Advisory #10

Name of your host: Silvia Hickey Relationship to you: Mother


The Interview: (ask your host these questions)


What is your job title? Registered

Massage Therapist

What is your job description?

She assesses, treats and gives rehabilitation exercises for individual with musculoskeletal conditions.

What are the duties and/or tasks you perform at your job?

She accesses conditions and make treatment plans. Give treatments and teach appropriate home care. Also, she prepares legal documents for lawyers and insurance companies.

 What qualifications do you have for this job in the following areas

a) training?

An in-clinic practicum and several outreaches that means during schooling you work at a clinic and the outreaches are you having to work 2 weeks at various clinic such as sports therapy, multiple sclerosis and GF strong hospital.

b) education

To become a massage therapist, you must complete a three-thousand-hour massage therapy program in an accredited school and then write the college of massage therapists board exam.


c) experience?

You must complete a three-day introduction to massage therapy course prior to entering the program to determine if you can do this job.


d) skills and attributes (personal qualities)?

You must be fit and have a caring personality and be empathetic and make sure you care for others well being.

What are some of the things you like about the job?

It’s very rewarding when you can take away people’s pain and improve their quality of life. She likes the flexibility in her schedule and likes the pay. She enjoys talking to different people everyday and no day is ever the same.


What are some of the things you dislike about this job?

The only thing she doesn’t like is that she’s self-employed, so she doesn’t get pension, sick days or vacation times. It can be hard physically.


How do you anticipate this job changing in the next 5 years or so?

She thinks there will be a greater increase in demand for massage therapists because the demand for massage therapist is growing year after year.  She can see massage therapists moving into hospitals, care homes and other similar institutions as regular staff.        


Student Reflections:

  1. Give three reasons why you would like this job (be specific):
  2. a) I like this job because you can talk to the patients while in your massage and have conversations so if you like the person that that would be a fun hour because you can talk about whatever you want.
  3. b) Music is played in the background and makes it really relaxing so if the person doesn’t want to talk then you can just listen to the music. It makes the atmosphere really relaxing for the person getting the massage as well as the person giving the massage because you can clear your head and work well on the patient without any distractions.
  4. c) I like how you get to help people because your relieving their pain and fixing their problems. They come to you and then you’re the person that they trust to fix you and I think that it’s cool that you can. I think that massage therapists are underrated because they can help a lot, but a lot of people don’t come to see them.


Give three reasons why you would not like this job (be specific):

  1. a) Because there’s a lot of paperwork that you must fill out for the scheduling and the claims and I had to fill out some of them today and I found it boring and I would not want to do it again.
  2. b) You can get a lot of pains in your wrists from working hard on other people so over time you can develop things like tendonitis which is very hard to go away. I’ve had tendinitis and I don’t think its fun so I would hate to get it on a regular basis.
  3. c) I would not want to deal with bad patients or stuck up ones. I know that a lot of people that I wouldn’t want to work with come in and you cant say no to them and I honestly think that’s really annoying because I don’t want to be stuck with you for an hour that you don’t like because that would completely ruin your day.


Is this job for you? Why or why not?

I don’t think it is because I would rather be more involved in a surgery and help people that a them massage them. It’s a lot of work and I would rather be involved in a certain group like cardiovascular then must massage over someone whole body. I don’t really like how they don’t have all their clothes on and the only thing covering them is a sheet because if that sheet drops then your left in an uncomfortable situation that I don’t want to deal with. I think it’s a cool job, but I wouldn’t want to do it.

Explain the value of the TYKTW experience in relation to your ideas about your post-secondary (after high school) plans (education? training? travel? work?).

 I want to be a cardiologist and I think that it was cool to see other parts of the medical program. I got to learn about the different parts of the body and the different muscles, and I think that’s something that will help me in the future. I learned about different things that people need to be in the medical program such as schooling and qualities and how to deal with patients. I was able to see the paperwork that is needed and how to do it. I learned how to get into the massage program and the requirements needed. I realized how hard it is to get into a good school and the important grades and qualifications that you need to get into a good school. It takes a lot of hard work to get into the medical program and I was able to listen in to the requirements and tips to get in and be well liked in the industry.

My Sonnet

Core Competencies Reflection URL:  Digital-Literacy-10-Core-Competencies-Reflection Creative-Thinking-22ss67c

I like to play soccer and kick the ball

I love to be the goalie when I play

My team loves to see my opponents fall

When someone scores we all yell hooray

When the other team scores we feel quite sad

But it makes us cranet a goal even more

Our coach will tell us we played kind of bad

We are all up set that we did not score

When my team wins we feel ecstatic

We jump for joy we all feel accomplished

The ball travels at a speed that rapid

You look and see everyone astonished

After everything I said and all

I really still kind of like volleyball.