core competency self-assessment grade 10

I communicate well with others especially in group projects because I’m usually the one doing the most and leading the project

I love to create things of my own like when I make my clay sculpture. when I watch Youtube like Mark Rober, he gives me a lot inspiration and makes me want to achieve more.

I have a bunch of responsibilities, like at home I’m the oldest so when one of my parents wont something done they ask me. I want to achieve my graduation and make it to BCIT so I get get my plumbing ticket.

Spices project

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Critical Thinking 

I think moose are a cool spices and that is why I chose them for this project. Moose antlers are very cool to me because they use their antlers to fight and attack other things. Moose are the biggest type of deer and a male moose can weigh up to 400-700 kg with is almost the weight of the average car. The full first half of me doing my assignment was answering the questions from the criteria. I would look at certain things in my project like my words and my information. When I looked for websites I made sure it was a reliable site like .org and .gov. I would sometimes know some answers to the questions but I would still check on the internet or asking others.

When I would research the questions a lot of the were open-ended question. One of the questions was what is a moose’s habitat and a moose has many habitats. I would experiment with different was of putting things until I liked it. Like with the food it eats I changed the way I put it until I liked it. I would monitor my time with this assignment and work on it. Like in winter break I worked on the spices project at the end of the break.


Sometimes I couldn’t get the results to the questions. Like when I would choose a photo it sometimes would not be as good as I wanted it to be but I couldn’t find any better. Or the information wasn’t the full thing I was looking for. When I tried to make the project directed for a book I had troubles. When I did I already had almost all of the project done so I had to change almost all of it. When I was done the project I accidentally forgot to check it over. So now if there are mistakes I cannot fix them.

American Revolution

Creative thinking 

I like playing around and coming up with different fun ways to draw my comic. Stickmen are funny to me and that is why I used them. I could have done normal drawings of people but I thought stickmen are more fun. I liked messing around with were to put and arrange they comic strips and drawings. I build off of people’s ideas for my comic using the internet and asking questions to the teacher and my friends. I searched up online how the Boston Tea Party went. if I didn’t search it up I wouldn’t know about the intolerable acts. My friend told me what the type of tea it was that they left un-taxed.

Why’ll the hole project I never got stuck with my thinking or with new ideas. I explored new ways to write my comic and use different art styles. By seeing other people’s comics I changed mine if I liked their ideas. When I was doing this project I would take some little brain brakes or eat and drink. When I made my comic I made changes to it because I didn’t like how i draw it the first time. If I liked someone’s comic I would make a change to mine like on the internet I saw a narrator type of thing some I copied it. If I were doing it at home I would stop for a bit and play with my dog and at school I would have a snack from my bag. So I think I did good in this area because I never got stuck.

Sometimes when I was doing my comic I would have an idea that I couldn’t draw or I would get a brain fart. Like I wanted to make more boxes but I cannot draw small enough to make like 12. I would try many times to draw or fit something in but I would give up because I didn’t have the patience or sometimes the skill. Like when I was drawing the dock and the buildings I wanted them to be 3D but I couldn’t. For the dock I just didn’t know how to and the buildings I didn’t have enough room



My Extracurricular activity

My extracurricular activity is Taekwondo and it is my favourite activity/ thing to do.

For Taekwondo if you want your black belt you need to be selected for a black belt exam. This photo is me before going to my black belt exam and that test was the longest exam I’ve ever done or will do. This test was almost 10 hours long because me and about 40 other people were testing for ether there first degree black belt or 2sd 3thd 4th degree black belt. To get your black belt in my studio you need to know your black belt oath, student creed, student oath, poomsae, basic movements, one step sparing and the board braking. In Taekwondo the are 9 degrees of black belt when you are at 4 to 6 degree you are a master but at 7 to 9 degree your a grand master. I am hoping to get my 2nd degree black belt in 1 or 2 years.


In this picture I am holding my black strip 2 belt my black strip 2 degree and the board I broke. I broke that board by doing a kick called jumping tree sixte spinning hooking kick. This was 1 and a half years ago and this is the belt before black belt. All of the belts are white, yellow strip, yellow, green strip, green, blue strip, blue, red strip, red, black strip 1, black strip 2 and all the black belt degrees. When I got the belt in this picture I thought that when I get my black belt next I would quite. when I did get it my black belt I didn’t quite because I want to be a master black belt. This is a very hard and complicated activity there are so many different forms and stances to memorize.


the way I got into Taekwondo is my friend was doing Taekwondo and I loved Kung-Fu panda so I joined at the age of 7. I actually use to be in an other studio but then it got shut down ad turned into a liquor store. I went to my new studio when I was 9 thankfully they let me start at the belt I was at when I left my old Taekwondo studio. My new studio was bigger it hade a mat room and a floor. My new master instructor is way nicer and more fun than my old place instructors.