All about Kaitlin!



About me:

My name is Kaitlin, and this is all about me! Right now, I am in grade 9 attending HWSS.  I am currently very interested in my sports and school. Since its my first year in high school I’m enjoying getting to know everybody and learning new things. As well as joining new sports teams. Playing sports is very enjoyable for me because I love competing to win while working with others. I enjoy soccer, basketball and volleyball the most compared to others. However, I also like skiing, badminton, ultimate Frisbee and Pickleball.  My goal for volleyball, basketball and soccer is to make it through to provincials. That will take lots of commitment and hard work. I’m trying to work extra hard so I can achieve my goal.

When I’m not studying for school or playing sports, you’ll usually find me relaxing or chilling with my friends. I enjoy crafting now and then, but I wouldn’t call it a hobby. When hanging out with my friends we enjoy eating brownies, cake and pizza. We also like playing board games and scrimmaging sports. On my free time I also make treats like brownies, box mix cupcakes, cakes, cookies and rice crispy treats. That’s all though!

Favorite video:

This is a video of NBA basketball highlights from the raptors vs 76er’s game 7. It shows at the very end Kawhi Leonard making a jump shot from the corner of the court winning the game. This basket got the raptors through to play the warriors.  This is my favorite video because I remember watching it live on TV. We all go so excited. It was Canada first real chance at winning an NBA title. It was all over social media and it is always nice to re-watch it. Since I also play basketball, seeing a moment like this always inspires me to be better.

Favorite website:

Quizlet is my favorite website because I use it to help study for school. Its an online, unlimited version of Que cards. It helps you study and learn every aspect of it. Spelling, meaning and it also lets you play games to help you understand your topic better. Its what going to get me to master Spanish and science. It doesn’t waste paper, or ink so its environmentally friendly. I can also share the link of certain flash card stacks so other can use them to learn as well.

( This photo is from google after I searched “quizlet” and clicked on images)

Favorite quote:

Image result for inspirational quotes for working hard

Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. This quote means a lot to me because its about working hard. Anybody can work hard to be the best. Let’s say your talented at something but you don’t work hard at it improving it. People who are less gifted than you could work harder than you and become better than you. Its all about scale and how much effort you put in. This quote reminds me to find what I’m good at and work hard to become the very best at it that I can be. It fits because I’m very competitive.




(This image is from google after I searched for “inspirational quotes” and clicked images)

Favorite picture:

              This is a photo that I took of a cover of an Elton John album from apple music. I chose this as my favorite picture because it reminds me of his music and music alike. I love listing to oldies music because I find it more entertaining and nicer to listen to when working on homework. I went to Elton’s farewell Yellow Brick road concert. It was a blast and I will remember it forever. Just like I went to Elton’s concert I am hoping to attend Queen with Adam Lambert and the Eagles. My other favorite bands are either broken up or gone. So, I’m hopping I can catch them soon.


One comment on “All about Kaitlin!

  1. Kaitlin, Great work! You have done a very good job putting together your about me page and have integrated your media seamlessly onto your page. Your comments are thorough without being too revealing and indicate a good understanding of digital literacy.


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