My Current Events Assignment

Rock Monsters by Simon Little on Scribd

This video is about a mom who started painted rocks with her daughter to help her better understand Covid-19. I thought this was perfect because it shows the great things people are doing to brighten this situation we’re in. The different rocks mean different things, such as blue means to stop and thank our frontline workers.
(56 words)

I saw this video not too long ago on the news and when I heard what this project was, I knew I had to do this video. I think what this mom started was a great thing to show not only her kids, but all kids what this virus is all about. I think the video was shared with the public to help other kids understand Covid 19 and to occupy them while at home by painting their own rocks. This video was important for me to share because I like how she cared enough to explain the virus to her kid in ways her kid would understand rather than just saying “its adult stuff”. I think that lots of people have joined in with this rock monsters trend to leave them around your neighbourhood and that will bring a lot of joy in their trying time to not only kids but adults too.

Extracurricular Activity: Sewing

There are 3 photos here of some of the things I’ve sewed. The first picture is of a pillow that my mom helped me make. This involved machine stitching, hand-sewing, and pressing. I made this a few years ago and it was a lot of fun and now I have something that I can put out during Christmas time. The second photo is a picture of pyjama pants that I made. On these I had to machine stitch, serge, zig zag stitch and there were multiple pieces to cut out. These are very soft pj pants that I also had enough fabric to make two pairs of shorts out of that I could gift to some friends and family. The last image is of my apron I made this year as-well. When I saw this bear fabric it spoke to me and I knew exactly what to make with it. The bears are wearing aprons so why not make an apron out of it! I made a paper pattern so that I could cut this shape out and I used a few different settings on my sewing machine to complete this. The pockets were a new thing for me and I think they turned out really well. I am very proud of these three projects that I have showcased on my profile and I’m glad I get to share them with with you.

How are you involved in it?
My extracurricular is sewing. I love to sew whether it’s at school or at home. I am involved in sewing because every Christmas I hand-sew at least one thing to give to my cousin. I use a sewing machine most of the time unless it’s a little project that can be done by hand or if it’s just a hole that needs some patching up. I am constantly fixing things for my family so I’d say I’m pretty involved with sewing.

Why you enjoy it?
I enjoy sewing because you get to sew whatever your heart desires. You can even make something random with leftover fabric with out needing to follow a specific pattern. Outside of the classroom I love creating and sewing because I get to make something that I could actually use and its a really fun activity. You also get to go to the fabric store and it is so fun looking at all the different fabrics and seeing what you could make with them for either yourself or a friend/family member. I really enjoy sewing because the possibilities are endless when creating.

Why it is important to you?
Sewing is important to me because I get to see what I am capable of. Before I had ever sewed, I didn’t think I’d be able to do it. There were so many buttons and a foot peddle and so many things you have to weave your thread through (and that was just to be able to start sewing!). It seemed very overwhelming but my mom helped me get the ball rolling. She spent a long time trying to teach me the skills you need to have to be able to sew. She taught me so many things and now that I know how to sew all on my own I am thankful for her teaching everything she knew. Now I can sew all on my own and that’s why it is important to me. It reminds me of when I first started sewing with her and how far I’ve come since.

Take Your Kid To Work Day 2019

Name: Lauren B
(First Name and Last Initial)
Advisory #: 3

Name of your host: Gilda Butt Relationship to you: Mom

The Interview: (ask your host these questions)

1. What is your job title? EA (education assistant)

2. What is your job description? Helping children with a learning disabilities.

3. What are the duties and/or tasks you perform at your job? Help the kids stay on task, modify the kids work to fit their needs, supervise them outside

4. What qualifications do you have for this job in the following areas:

a) training? Be able to work with children, adapt to your surroundings, CPI training (crisis prevention institute), ABA training (applied behaviour analysis)
b) education? Diploma in community support work
c) experience? 6 years working with kids from elementary to highschool
d) skills and attributes (personal qualities)? Patience, caring, empathetic, interpersonal, be able to work on your feet

5. What are some of the things you like about the job? Holidays you get off, seeing improvement in students, the variety in the job (doing something different everyday)

6. What are some of the things you dislike about this job? Children not listening, going outside for recess and lunch, children being difficult

7. How do you anticipate this job changing in the next 5 years or so? Don’t anticipate it changing much other than becoming in higher demand because more & more children have disabilities as the years go on

Student Reflections:
1. Give three reasons why you would like this job (be specific):
a) I get to work with kids which could make the work day fun
b) I like helping people and you help people all day here
c) I get to work in a classroom so I could help other kids too if they need help
2. Give three reasons why you would not like this job (be specific):
a) you don’t know who you’re going to work with (they might be difficult)
b) it could take a long time to build a bond with the person I’m working with
c) I might not be able to communicate with the person which might get frustrating
3. Is this job for you? Why or why not?
I don’t think this is a good job for me because it’s not really what I’m interested in. Spending the day with my mom and seeing what she does throughout the day was interesting and cool to see but when it comes to if I actually want the job I would probably say no. It’s nice to work with kids sometimes but I feel like when I get a job it won’t be in a school.

4. Explain the value of the TYKTW experience in relation to your ideas about your post secondary (after high school) plans (education?, training?, travel?, work?).
My plans after school are to go to university and become a doctor and neither of my parents do that so I don’t necessarily know what that’s like now that I did take your kid to work day. Although it was cool getting to see what another profession looks like, I am not planning on going into the same profession. I think that if you did want to become the same thing as one of your parents, take your kid to work day would be awesome because you’d actually be able to see what it would be like for you when you grow up and have that job. Or by going to take your kid to work day, you could find out that maybe you don’t want to do that when you’re older and then you still have lots of time to choose the profession you want to go into.