Cloning Poster

Partner Paragraph

In our opinion cloning has many more negative impacts compared to positive impacts.  That is why we chose to do our poster against cloning.  Cloning has many cons compared to pros such as people using it in the wrong manner and being irresponsible.  Cloning can lead to overpopulation and seeing that this is already an issue without cloning we believe that cloning could make this matter worse.  If this advanced technology falls into the wrong hands it could be misused in the way of organ harvesting and could cause great chaos amongst people.  Cloning can be a great thing if the right person is using it but there are too many risks that come along with it.  With great power comes great responsibility and not all people will choose to be responsible for cloning.  In conclusion, we believe that cloning can be a good thing when used properly but there are way too many risks so overall, we disagree with the method.



 Personal Paragraph

Imagine there being multiple versions of you.  Different people in the exact same body as you with the exact same personality traits.