Take your kid to work day 2019- alternative

Having a career is very important to me. The job I’m interested in pursuing is the profession of an environmental lawyer. I have multiple reasons being interested in this job. Recently the world has been going through the crisis of climate change. The cause of this is from us human beings and the equipment we use to live our day to day lives. For example, using fossil fuel for electricity, cutting down trees to build homes, and killing animals for food. We do need these. Unfortunately, we have been spiraling out of control. The entails of becoming a lawyer are having a three-year law degree after accomplishing a bachelor’s degree. Reading paperwork, and public speaking, and writing paperwork are three key things you need to be great at in order to succeed. The average salary for a lawyer in Canada is approximately 74,243 dollars. Currently there are unfortunately to many lawyers, so in the future the average salary of a lawyer will decline.


Someone I can ask for help is my older cousin. She is currently working in the law firm as a lawyer. She lives in Edmonton and has 2-year experience of being a lawyer. From what she tells me being a lawyer involves a lot of work in an office. Ways I can contact her is through family, and social media.


In this link below are the lives of lawyers at work. I find very interesting and entertaining of how they think and work. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=lawyers+working+and+experience&&view=detail&mid=D18E96794D2FCB796918D18E96794D2FCB796918&&FORM=VRDGAR


2 thoughts on “Take your kid to work day 2019- alternative

  1. Neha
    Grade A: (Take your kid to work day 2019- alternative)
    Nice work on your Take Your Kid to Work Day assignment. You have done a very good job fully answering the questions on the interview portion of assignment. You have included a link. You have correctly tagged and labelled your assignment. Your reflection has been well thought out and is thoughtful, and descriptive.

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