Alternate Assignment 1

Paragraph one:

For the project that I am writing about I choose the invention project in Socials Studies. This is because I had the most fun inventing and thinking of new ways of helping the world and make people’s lives easier. I got my ideas by talking to my peers and discussing some of the problems that are happening in today’s society, our subject was to prevent robberies. Many people suffer from robberies each year and it happens every day and the majority of people that get robbed are middle-class people. This means that they only have enough for themselves and their families, which makes it tough if they lose everything and they have to start over again. I started to generate ideas for this project at the beginning of the assignment and me and my partner discussed what are some of the most common things that happen to people and how can we prevent them. After a while, we started thinking outside of the box and trying to find new solutions on how we can solve them.


Paragraph two:

When we wanted to do this project we had to see what other problems people are facing throughout the world (modern and in developing countries) and we thought about theft and how it affects people, we saw how people were feeling about it and we thought, that’s what we’re going to do. No one really had an idea like ours so we had thought of what people already have like cameras and dash cams and made a variant of that. I had previously researched a lot about this and had seen other people getting their cars broken into and not find the person that did it, so something clicked in my mind and I thought that these people must be very sad that they have nothing left in there business or vehicle. Robberies are a big problem anywhere in the world and I think this might help solve a big one, Grand theft auto.



Paragraph three:

I thought very hard on how we could implement this idea to the real world where everyone could see, and we thought the best idea was to make it for an affordable price. Now per the cost of our product be around 35 dollars, and we could sell it for 42 dollars. This may seem a little expensive at first however you will keep this for the next two to three years. I made this idea work and hopefully someone can actually use it in a real-life situation to benefit themselves and others. I haven’t been given materials for this because we aren’t supposed to actually make the invention however I have planned out what to buy, the prices, sizes, and everything we need to know to start making it. I can use this project on future studies and succeed in other places in life if I ever try and start a business and it hopefully takes off. This is good for a first project however it can be tweaked to be more efficient and hopefully in the future cheaper and more accessible.