About Me

My name is Sepehr. I am 15 years old. I love sports and my favourite is basketball. I play basketball almost every day. I also love soccer and football. My hope is to go into business, most likely the marketing aspect. I often help my dad with his business and social media advertising. In school the subject I enjoy the most is either socials or business class but I am best at math. From a young age I was doing advanced math so that I would be able to succeed in the higher levels of math. I want to help change the world for the better, make people happier and their lives brighter. Most people would consider me a funny and out-going person, which is accurate. I enjoy making others smile and laugh. I drew inspiration for TV characters such as Chandler (from friends) and Sokka (from Avatar the Last Airbenders) when it comes to my humor.

As a young child, my father introduced me to this comedy duo, they go by Laurel and hardy. I watched them pull off their stupid but hilarious shenanigans. My dad was in love with these two and wanted for me to share his love for them with me. I have watched all of their movies and short films. I do wish that I was old enough to watch one of their live shows. There was recently a biopic released which re-kindled my love for them. At a young age whenever I was upset or crying my dad would show them to me. This is why it is so valuable to me. I have so many emotions and memories attached to these two that my life would not be the same without them.

Growing up I have been known as a funny kid, that is why I enjoy the concept behind this quote. When we laugh others should laugh with us, our happiness should never make others sad or upset. Charlie Chaplin became an actor to create smiles and laughter, that’s why we all make jokes to make others smile. Charlie Chaplin is perceived as a out-going guy, and people assumed that his life was amazing. So this quote also shows that he is also misunderstood because he talks about the pains in his life. I hope that the people who like to make others unhappy and sad understand that laughter is meant to be shared. For a silent movie star Charlie gave some of the most important pieces of advice in history.


One of my passions in life is basketball. I love playing and I love watching. One of the reasons I fell in love with the game was Lebron James, he’s not only a great basketball player but also an amazing person. He created a school in his hometown for people who couldn’t afford to attend and have a solid education. This clip shows game 7 of the NBA finals. It is the Cavs Vs the Warriors, the warriors were up 3-1 in the series but LeBron brought them back. The reason why this video means so much is that no matter what adversity they faced, they fought through it and came out victorious. LeBron made a promise to his team and he did everything to follow through on his promise. He is one of my role models and I hope to be able to have a similar work ethic and determination as him. In my opinion, this game cemented him as the greatest player of all time




The website I chose is called Miniclip. As a kid, all of my friends and I would go on Miniclip play. It consists of small video games that you can play with friends. Some of its bigger ones are 8 ball pool and dunk basketball. It reminds me of times where I wouldn’t have any stress or worries. I sometimes go back to this website to re-kindle my childhood and pass the time. I haven’t had the time to go to this website more often but I wish I did. Every time that I do play games a smile appears on my face. All my stress and sadness would disappear. I understand if video games aren’t for you, but the feeling of connecting with others. Everyone reaches for that.

One thought on “About Me

  1. Sepehr: 5/5
    Great work! You have done a very good job putting together your about me page and have integrated your media seamlessly onto your page. Your comments are thorough without being too revealing and indicate a good understanding of digital literacy. Your sections all have details of relevance; you have embedded your video; created a clickable hyperlink to your favorite website and included your favorite quote, and why it’s meaningful to you.

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