About Me


Hello and welcome to my blog! This blog is about me. My name is Stacy and I am attending Heritage Woods Secondary School as a student. During my spare time, I prefer taking a break from the stress. For example, some of my favourite activities to do is badminton, photography and watching Netflix. I undoubtedly enjoy these activities because it takes my mind off of my life a little and it feels like I’m in a whole other universe. A short-term goal I have set for myself is to try new things and manage my time appropriately and reasonably. In this blog, I included small things I like and why I like them, in this way you can get to know me!

My favourite quote:

Image result for grey's anatomy quotes short
Image credits: Pinterest

The quote to the left says, “What’s broken can be mended, what’s hurt can be healed. No matter how dark it gets, the sun’s gonna rise again.” This is the quote I am feeling at the moment. This phrase was said by Meredith Grey, a character on my favourite T.V show, Grey’s Anatomy. This quote is currently my favourite saying because it is indicating that even when life throws lots of obstacles at you, you shouldn’t give up. This quote truly inspires me because life is unfair and the wording of it is very enlivening. I believe that everyone lets their guard down sometime throughout the day and a simple, uplifting quote can draw in a smile or encourage someone to do something to the best of their abilities.






My favourite Youtube clip:

This Youtube clip is actually a song that wakes me up and helps me focus on what I am doing. Yes, this song is a little outdated but I find old songs very catchy and they don’t have as much swearing. Although swearing is fun and needed at times, I try to be a good influence on my younger brothers, Since this blog is all about getting to know me, I would like to say that I don’t even like One Direction, I personally think that they were very cheesy, but something about this song is surprisingly calms me down, puts me in a good mood and helps me concentrate. I never suggest songs but this is an exceptionally upbeat and appropriate song to listen to!


My favourite website:

Image result for netflix logo 2019
Image credits: 13WTHR

Pinpointing a favourite website is a difficult one. There are so many websites and links that I use and access daily. However, whenever I feel stressed, or when I need to take a break I always end up on the website, Netflix. Sometimes I don’t even feel the need but I think every person requires a break once in a while because life is complicated and it is important to unwind as we move forward.




A Picture That has Impacted Me:

Image result for happy wild animals
Image credits: Pintrest

Just looking at this photo, you see an elephant smiling from ear to ear. The elephant is so undeniably happy, it makes me smile. Even though it made me smile at first, if I genuinely think about it, is this happiness and joy everlasting? No, it’s not. The concrete reason I chose this elephant is because when I came across this photograph, I couldn’t help but think, “The Earth and animals need our help to save it”. Forests are burning, glaciers are melting and temperatures are rising. Global warming is a big issue and thats why this image impacted me so much. I truly believe we can save our planet if everyone contributes but I lose a little hope every time I see someone harming the Earth on purpose. This picture impacted me a lot and I hope it impacts you just enough to make little changes everyday.


In conclusion, I have shared a couple of things that I love and why I love them. This whole blog was to get to know me and I hope that you have a better idea of who I am as a person! Thank you so much for your time and have a great rest of your day or night!

One thought on “About Me

  1. Stacy, Well done! You have done a very good job putting together your About Me page and have integrated all your media seamlessly onto your page. Your comments are thorough without being too revealing and indicate a good understanding of digital literacy.

    You have a well written paragraph introducing yourself your 5 with at least five to 8 sentences per paragraph

    You have embedded your video and included a well written paragraph about it.

    You created a clickable hyperlink to your favorite website and included a well written paragraph about why it is your favorite website

    You included your favorite quote, and why it’s meaningful to you.
    Your Mark – 5/5

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