
Outside of school, I like to play basketball at the weekend. I would go to open gym at flex and lunch and port Moddy community center to play drop in basketball form 5pm to 9pm. I also go to morning agility from 7:30am to 9 am to train my basketball skill. I always like to carry a ball with me, because I just feel comfortable carrying a ball with me. I also watch a lot of NBA; it is honestly really entertaining to see some of the best players in the world battle out in the NBA playoffs. I like to bet with my friends who is going to win the NBA champion this year. I predicted Los Angeles Laker because I am a big Anthony Davis fan, and they are also leading the league in winning percentage. I even like to play video games about basketball, I play NBA 2k20 mobile on my phone, and I am planning to get a copy of legend edition for Nintendo switch. 

One thought on “Extracurricular

  1. Hi Sunny,
    Mark: 2.5/5
    Your extracurricular post provides little detail and / or examples of your extracurricular activity. How could you add more supporting details and examples? Your post could be better designed. How could you make it more attractive and improve the appearance of your post? Graphics and or media supporting the theme/content of the post should be further developed and or added. Information is minimal. Subject knowledge was not sufficiently displayed. When improving please try and demonstrate your passion for your extracurricular activity and why you do it. Please review the criteria, complete the assignment and email me a link to your post for your extracurricular assignment in the next two weeks using your district email account. If you need help you can see me in room 213 at flex.

    Ms. Hewitt

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