Heart rate experiment

In this project I think the core competency that I did the best is creative thinking. Our group was able to finish the project because of expanding on the other people’s idea, creating hypothesis for the experiment, and coming up with creative solution

To start off, we were able to come up with our experiment topic, because we were able to build on and combine all our ideas all together. For example, Evan suggested to test out if drinking water effects our heart rate, but we feel like it is too simple. On the other hand, I came up with an idea that you would increase your heartrate by doing push, but we already knew the answer. So, we simply combined them altogether to come up with an idea that does doing push up make your heartrate faster comparing to drinking water and then doing push up.

More importantly, we did exceptionally well at creating hypothesis for the experiment. At first, we did not have an agreement on our hypothesis. I said that it would be easier to do push up after drinking 1000 ml water because it helps transport nutrients to give you energy. However, Wajdy did not agree on me, he thinks that it hinders you because you are putting a lot of weights on you. Fortunately, we were able to solve the question because after hearing Wajdy’s explanation, I thought he also has a strong reasoning, and it also turned out to be correct.

Most importantly, we were all able to complete this experiment easily because we all know how to questions effectively. For instance, we did not know how to measure 1000ml, but we are able to come up with an idea: just bring a 500 ml water bottle and drink two of them. Moreover, Wajdy had his head problem so he couldn’t do push, we were also able to solve that by just not including him on that individual part. Best of all, we were able to save a lot of times with our solutions.

One thought on “Heart rate experiment

  1. Mark A (Creative Thinking)
    Media and Information:
    You have properly integrated your media into your blog and chosen a format which does an excellent job of presenting your assignment. All information clearly relates to the core competency you have chosen. You include several insightful supporting details and/or examples of how you demonstrated the competency.
    Reflection is very organized with at least 3 well-constructed paragraphs which do an excellent job of communicating your ideas. Your paragraphs use the language of the core competency to thoroughly describe how you addressed the core competency and how you plan to further apply it in the future

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