Socials 9 American Revolution

I think the core competency that I did the best at is creative thinking. I was able to finish the project because of building on the other students ideas, mixing the story with my own opinion, and asking for help form my classmates.

To start off, I did not know what to draw and where to start, but I was able to complete it by looking up on the internet, see all the creative ideas that the other student has, then polish and build on it with some of my own ideas. Finally, I finally comes up with an interesting idea in my head and use it to complete my comic strip.

More importantly, I was able to finish my project because when I struggle and could not figure it out, I would ask my classmate to help me out. For instance, if I don’t know what to draw to visualize this part, I would ask suggestions for them and combine it with my own idea. Then finally, use it to make my comic strip more entertaining.

Last but not least, I was able to mix the story with my own opinion to make it more complete. In another word, I did not not know why the soldiers shot the American citizens during the Boston Massacre, so I analyzed it and created a version that I think is the most creative and interesting way to show it with my comic strip, and I think I did pretty well at that.

Overall, I think I still have a lot of room to improve on, it could still be polished more, but generally i did a pretty good job at making the story entertaining and interesting, mostly because of my creative thinking, ability to ask for help and mixing story with my own opinion.

One thought on “Socials 9 American Revolution

  1. Sunny, You have integrated your media into your blog. Your information relates to a core competency. You include some supporting details and/or examples of how you demonstrated the competency but could provide more information and details using the language of the core competency. Your reflection has some organization and uses 3 paragraphs which do a satisfactory job of communicating. Your paragraphs use some of the language of the core competency to describe how you demonstrated the core competency but you could also add more detail using the language of the core competency in your final paragraph about how you might improve on using this core competency it in the future. Please feel free to email me a link to your assignment in the next two weeks, using your district email account if you make significant improvements and would like me to take another look at it. If you need help you can see me in room 213 at flex.
    Letter Grade: C

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