American Revolution Project

For my American Revolution project I did a comic strip of the battle of Lexington Green and Concord. (Picture below Reflection)

Core Competencies Reflection

Here is evidence that I can…strategize, analyze, reason, estimate, model, be creative, visualize, reflect and revise, connect, use mistakes to advance learning, use technology or other tools, extend, reason logically, adapt my ideas, etc.

Core Competency: Critical Thinking


I can successfully take information from different perspectives and use it to help me advance toward my goals. Also I can reflect on my thinking and evaluate my actions and change them for better. I can use criteria to try to best get what I want. I will ask open-ended questions to gain more information. I can experiment with different way of doing things such as the comic strip I did for the American Revolution which I had never made before. I can use and make criteria for design options, I did this with the layout of my comic strip for example I knew I needed twenty slides. I always monitor my progress and adjust my actions to make sure I hand in something on time. I will make the right choices to create the impact I needed to.

Ways I want to improve are…

I have a hard time showing something that I like or don’t like, because of how I don’t have good facial expressions. I don’t know how to explore with different materials. I usually use one way to go through with something and change it as I go.



Core Competencies

Core Competencies Reflection

Here is evidence that I can…collaborate, teach, be considerate to others, discuss, contribute to class discussion, explain, justify, share ideas, etc.

Core Competency: Communication 


I can ask and respond to simple, direct questions. During the Industrial Revolution project fair, I was asked many questions about how my invention worked, and what it was made out of. These questions varied but I was able to respond to all of them, in an appropriate way that would answer their questions and promote my invention at the same time. Also I can actively listen and support, as well as encourage the speaker. I have demonstrated this by using eye contact, and nodding, at times. I understand that people have different point of view, and I can look through their shoes and disagree with them respectfully, I did this by listening to what they had to say and suggesting new ways of doing things. I am able to share information about a topic that is important to me by one, educating the person I am talking to about what it is, and secondly having a structured conversation with them on why I am interested. I can present my information in an organized way, on my poster board I had three main points and they were all clearly labeled and had more information beneath their individual headings. I can and have presented to audiences I do not know, the entire invention fair everyone that came up to me I didn’t know, and I ended selling my project to them. In group projects I do my share an achieve a common goal’s. I have done this by first agreeing with my group on a goal, then discussing how we are going to get there, as well as who is going to do what. I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group, in the invention project I was alone so I had all the roles and all responsibilities. I can recount simple experiences and activities and explain things I have learned, during this project I have learned a lot about being a entrepreneur and how hard it is to come up with an original idea and I can share that.

Ways I want to improve are…

I have some troubles with giving and receiving feedback. I never give feedback unless the person wants me to even if I notice something could be improved. Also after getting feedback on especially tests I don’t usually re-submit them for a better mark.






Industrial Revolution Invention Project Socials 9

Insta Sleep Proposal


The insta sleep uses natural chemicals that put you to sleep, to make you go to sleep instantly. Other companies suggest to take around 1 to 3 mg an hour before you go to sleep, but insta sleep gives 15mg of melatonin to instantly make you go to sleep. All you have to do is set a timer. Also you can now get Insta-Sleep in grape, chocolate, vanilla, and chocolate lava cake flavors.


The materials needed to build the Insta-Sleep are as following. Plastic cup, 60mg of melatonin, and artificial flavoring.


The Insta-Sleep costs $47 to make.


The size the of the Insta-Sleep is 5cm tall, and is 2cm long.


Insta-Sleep takes 7 hours to make, and be ready to be shipped.


This invention meets the triple bottom line to the highest degree. Economically this is a great option because it gives endless amounts of sleep so if you work nights you can take this during the day and be ready for your next shift. Ethically a positive impact would be people will be able to catch up on sleep and feel rested. On the other hand, Insta-Sleep can cause you to sleep in and miss the whole day if dosage is not correct. Environmentally speaking it does not harm the environment at all.




Invention Marketing Plan


Pitch “Ever felt tired, ever had to stayed up at all night, ever felt bored. Well we have the solution for you, Insta-Sleep! Insta sleep does exactly what it says it will do put you right to sleep. Take the 15mg and before you know it you’re already drewling on your pillow. All you have to do is carve some space out in your day and you are all set.”


Compare other companies and show why mine will immediately put you to sleep. Give deals and show different flavors there is to offer.


Take Your Kid To Work Day 2018

The Assignment:


Name: Tyr C

Advisory #: 2

Name of your host: Leslie Courchesne   Relationship to you: Mother


  1. What is your job title?


Executive director of alumni relations, and alumni association at BCIT.


  1. What is your job description?


Advancement for enhancing services for alumni and strengthening their role in advancing institute goals. This position is responsible for overall administration of the alumni relations office, including strategic planning, fiscal management, staffing, and program development; and serves as the executive director of the alumni association. The director leads alumni engagement, representing the interests of alumni in discussions on a wide range of pan-institutional challenges and opportunities.


  1. What are the duties and/or tasks you perform at your job?


Communications, Alumni relations strategic plan, Organization, Management and leadership of staff, Planning, development and Communications, Fundraising, Alumni Association, Administration and Finance, Decision Making, Financial Responsibility, Supervision Exercised, Supervision Received, Entrance Qualifications.

  1. What qualifications do you have for this job in the following areas:
  2. training?

No training.

  1. education?

Bachelor’s in communication also a masters in marketing.

  1. experience?

20 years in public sector.

  1. skills and attributes (personal qualities)?

Communication, leadership, relationship building, strategic planning.


  1. What are some of the things you like about the job?

Likes to meet new people, and interacting with new people. Likes events, and international travel. “Also there is always cool stuff happening at BCIT, says its fun working at place where there is always something happening”.

  1. What are some of the things you dislike about this job?

Long hours.

Lots of e-mails (433 right now).

Does not like commute.

Doesn’t like where the office is on campus because they are hidden away on the back corner of the campus.


7. How do you anticipate this job changing in the next 5 years or so                                                      Growing programs and making new ones. Also expanding alumni chapters. Bigger budget and more staff


Student Reflections:

  1. Give three reasons why you would like this job (be specific):

a)You get to lead/organize a lot of meeting and events.

b)There is a Tim Hortons on campus as well as a Triple O’s.

  1. c) You get to meet a lot of new interesting people and travel the world                                    Give three reasons why you would not like this job (be specific):
  2. a) Sitting in an office all day, and going to meetings.

b)Lots of meetings and late night events you have to go to. Also you have to organize them.

c)Very far commute. This also is bad because of gas money and environment.

  1. Is this job for you? Why or Why not?

No because I prefer to work not in an office and be more out in the world every-day. I don’t want to sit in meetings and deal with budgeting.

  1. Explain the value of the TYKTW experience in relation to your ideas about your post secondary (after high school) plans (education?, training?, travel?, work?).

This experience showed what working looks like, and helped me decide if I liked it or not. It showed me how much planning that goes into everything they do, and how they are already looking two years ahead.