Introduction To Using Your Blogs

Navigating and using your blog can be a daunting experience at first. Based around a WordPress platform it allows you to post a large variety of content in your pages as well as keep people up to date with activities, clubs and teams you are involved in and it is a chance to showcase your volunteer and extra-curricular activities. This allows for you to establish a portfolio that can be used for your grad transitions presentation, university admissions or to showcase your abilities to potential employers.

Below you will find a number of documents that will assist you in establishing your blog, posting content and troubleshooting many of the issues that you may have. As always, if you do have any issues that you need assistance with or are unable to resolve, you can see Mr. Aitken ( or Mr. Castonguay (

Getting Started – Logging In, Themes, Appearance and Plugins

Digital Literacy 10 – Bootcamp – Blog Set Up – Themes-Plugins-etc.

This is a very quick guide to the initial set-up of your blog. You will need to select a theme that is conducive to establishing an online portfolio which will be a showcase of your work and experiences while at Heritage Woods. Additionally this document will walk you through the login process, personalizing your blog and adding the necessary plugin that you need in order to display Word documents, Excel files and PowerPoint presentations in your blog.

Completing Your About Me Assignment

Digital Literacy 10 – Bootcamp – About Me Assignment

Once you have selected your theme and added the “Embed Any Document” plugin you are now ready to start your first two assignments for Digital Literacy 10. The assignments themselves can be found at . The document above outlines how to complete the various tasks associated with the first assignment.

Posts Vs. Pages

Digital Literacy 10 – Bootcamp – Posts Vs Pages

You will be using your blog to add content as part of the Digital Literacy 10 course in addition to a number of your core courses and your exploration courses. Throughout the year you will be required to add two assignments from English, Science, and Social Studies in addition to the Digital Literacy Assignments in order to recieve credit for the course. The document above outlines the difference between posts and pages. YOU SHOULD BE ADDING ALL OF YOUR COURSE CONTENT TO YOUR BLOG AS PAGES. ASSIGNMENTS THAT ARE ADDED AS POSTS WILL NOT COUNT FOR YOUR DIGITAL LITERACY GRADE UNTIL THEY ARE RE-ADDED AS PAGES.

Menu’s – Organizing Your Content

Digital Literacy 10 – Bootcamp – Menu’s

Your blog has been created with a menu intact already. You will need to ensure that you maintain this structure as you move forth. You will be able to add menu items for your elective classes and for other interests as you so wish. This document will teach you how to add new items to your menu and create drop down menu’s for your various pages.

Posting Content – Documents, Videos and Embedded Content

Digital Literacy 10 – Bootcamp – Adding Content

As part of your courses you will be completing assignments in MS Word, or Excel Documents, Video Files, Sway’s and a host of other available online programs. The document above will help guide you through the process of posting a wide variety of content to your blogs.

Adding Reflections For Your Assignments

Digital Literacy 10 – Bootcamp – Core Competency Reflections and Comments

With each assignment that you post for your Socials, English and Science courses you will be required to complete a reflection based around the core competencies which will be added to your assignment page. This document will walk you through the steps of how to fill out the various core competency forms and then post them to your blog. Assignments that do not include a core-competency reflection will not receive full credit. Reflection sheets can be found at